A Million Little Ways

A Million Little Ways

“I’m not an artist.” I’ve said that so many times. Usually I’m referring to my lack of drawing and painting abilities, and that statement does have some basis in fact. But if you pressed me – “What about writing? What about restoring furniture? Decorating? What about gardening?” I would either brush it off as “not…

Chasing God (review & #giveaway for @KindredGrace #MarchOfBooks)

Chasing God

When we spend more time search for assurance than we do acting out of belief, we are chasing God. –Angie Smith in Chasing God If pinning organizational ideas on Pinterest was all that is required, my house would be perfectly organized. If outlining a weekly to-do list that included dusting and cleaning the bathroom was…

of #NotesFromABlueBike and the gift of #entertainment at @KindredGrace

the gift of entertainment

I was raised without a TV. Perhaps that’s why Tsh Oxenrider’s passion for a life that isn’t dominated by a television resonated. To me, it makes perfect sense, of course there’s more to life and entertainment than a television. Entertainment, in all its forms, is so easily accessible in our technology-soaked culture; we can hardly…

The End.

The End.