Does Love = Worry?

Does Love = Worry?

Have you ever accidentally overheard a segment of a conversation which sounded important and, upon inquiry, been told “not to worry about it”? If you’re like me, the first thing you’re going to do is completely disregard their command. How can you not worry about something that’s obviously being kept from you for a reason?…

Culture in Crisis

Culture in Crisis

In August 2014, Thomas Umstattd, Jr. published his blog post, “Why Courtship is Fundamentally Flawed.” It sparked a firestorm, racking up more than 1,500 comments, provoking numerous rebuttals from other bloggers, and inspiring a Kickstarter campaign that led (just one year later) to a book entitled Courtship in Crisis: The Case for Traditional Dating. I…

Eating Religion for Dinner

It’s a prime buzz phrase of our generation, and a perspective shared by atheists and believers alike.  Assert the statement, “I hate religion” and you’re sure to gain a following. The outcry is sincere, and the concerns are valid. A spirit of religion is plain mean. Antagonistic to freedom, and anti-relational in its nature, religion…

The End.

The End.