The Meaning of Marriage

The Meaning of Marriage

With a title like The Meaning of Marriage, this book promises a lot.  And it doesn’t disappoint. An indepth study of marriage and how it refines and grows us, this book by Timothy Keller and his wife Kathy is neither a relational self-help manual nor a feel-good book.  It sets truth and fact squarely against…

Children’s Books

Children’s Books

I love children’s books.  Especially antique children’s books.  And so does my husband.  We know better than to venture to the children’s section of a vintage bookstore, unless we have lots of time and money! The lone bookshelf in our children’s bedroom doesn’t even contain all their books any more.  The ones meant for older…

You’re Already Amazing

You’re Already Amazing

Reading Holley Gerth‘s book You’re Already Amazing was like getting a great big hug.  In a conversational, across-the-table-at-the-coffee-shop style, Holley’s words wrapped around my heart, encouraging me to embrace who I am. You don’t have to be because you already are.  It doesn’t matter if you’re the “it” girl, because “God looks at you and…

in which we like to talk about books (the third annual March of Books begins!)

in which we like to talk about books (the third annual March of Books begins!)

I like to talk about books.  If it didn’t already come up naturally with everyone I know, it would be the perfect thing to ask when conversation lagged: “What books have you been reading lately?”  (Or, as is more likely for me and other young moms and students, “What book are you trying to make…

The End.

The End.