Dear Me

Dear Me

The blogosphere has been full of letters to our teenage selves this past week, in celebration of Emily Freeman’s new book Graceful (For Young Women): Letting Go of Your Try-Hard Life. And it was quite a trip down memory lane for some of the writers here at YLCF who decided to join in.  We’ve collected some excerpts for you…

Pain Redeemed

Pain Redeemed

A miracle is the redemption of pain, not the absolution of it… The idea that if our dreams come true, we’ll be free from pain is a lie. The idea that if we give up our dreams, we’ll always be empty is also a lie. Only in emptiness can we be filled.

Redefining Redemption

My story isn’t a Hollywood one: I didn’t marry my first love or end up with my best friend. In fact, my story is still being written — but I have the best part already. My ‘happily ever after’ is starting now, right here in the middle of my manuscript. Several years ago I suffered…

A Tale of Two Girls

A Tale of Two Girls

Once upon a time there were two young girls. One, a tall blonde with honey-colored eyes. The other, a short brunette with eyes the color of the sea after a storm. Their friendship was the storybook kind. Anne and Diana. Meg and Jo March. Lucy and Mr. Tumnus. The blonde had a voice like an…

Spirit-Led Relationships

Spirit-Led Relationships

Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter.  Cycles, seasons, changes – good and bad, death and life – each season and cycle following the Divine Master’s plan. Each change and transition happens consistently, yet each is different and unique. One spring it’s cold and rainy, the next warm and sunny. How we act and dress in each season…

Cure for the Common Crush

Cure for the Common Crush

How many different emotions do you have every day? Dozens, scores, maybe even hundreds? Let’s just say that if the average woman was an air-traffic controller and her emotions were incoming planes, she’d have a full-time job telling them where (and where not) to land. Some of the most persistent and challenging of all my…

The End.

The End.