Why not now, Lord?

Why not now, Lord?

Rain splatters on the windows. It is cold, but the air is warm. “Come look!” my daughter pulls at my arm, her brown eyes sparkling. There are new piggies in the barn. They hide from the camera and grunt happily as they munch on corn behind the water dish. We talk about names and I…



Angie Smith didn’t set out to become a writer. Her blog, Bring the Rain, was begun as a way to keep family and friends up-to-date with the arrival of her fourth daughter, who was diagnosed as “incompatible with life.” Audrey Caroline lived a lifetime of just a few hours, but her mama kept right on…

When Life Shatters

When Life Shatters

The call comes. I’m standing in the barn and my muscles lose their strength. My heart, this mother-heart that beats within me, wants to find him and cuddle him close and whisper words of comfort. He’s the boy that made motherhood real for this child-less me. I had claimed children through the years, but this…

Pain Redeemed

Pain Redeemed

A miracle is the redemption of pain, not the absolution of it… The idea that if our dreams come true, we’ll be free from pain is a lie. The idea that if we give up our dreams, we’ll always be empty is also a lie. Only in emptiness can we be filled.

The End.

The End.