Don’t Rush

Don’t Rush

Early in my marriage, I was asked what encouragement I would give to singles who were still in the season of “waiting.” Here are ten bits of advice I shared. (And yes, there was a rather recurring theme…) 1. Don’t rush. Marriage is not a place at which you will “arrive” but a season which will…

The Promise

by Elisabeth Allen May I be honest? “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is that—take a deep breath—the pain of singleness is real…deep…persistent. I hate to admit it, but when I was in my teens, I whined about singleness. I wanted to marry “my childhood sweetheart.” I didn’t, actually, have such…

Marriage Is Not My Highest Calling

I believe strongly and wholeheartedly in solid, godly marriages. Marriage is an awe-inspiring, truly blissful thing and something to be lauded and heralded as the God-ordained institution it is. We are people created for marriage and, once married, we should strive daily, at every possible opportunity to encourage each other toward even stronger, even holier marriages. But marriage is…

Seasons of Singleness

Seasons of Singleness

A Time to Wait Dear girls, Lately I’ve been thinking about those of you who aren’t married, or engaged, or courting, or even “just friends.” I stayed up ‘til past midnight the other night, scribbling down ideas for you.I had plenty of time yesterday (while I was removing wallpaper from our bathroom walls) to think…

The End.

The End.