Chasing God (review & #giveaway for @KindredGrace #MarchOfBooks)

Chasing God

When we spend more time search for assurance than we do acting out of belief, we are chasing God. –Angie Smith in Chasing God If pinning organizational ideas on Pinterest was all that is required, my house would be perfectly organized. If outlining a weekly to-do list that included dusting and cleaning the bathroom was…

The Treasure Tree

The Treasure Tree

By the fourth time we read The Treasure Tree: Helping Kids Understand Their Personality, a children’s book by Gary Smalley and John Trent, our kids’ personalities were evident in their reactions as we read. There was no need for the test at the end! The Treasure Tree is the story of four friends who are given a special…

Spirit-Controlled Temperament
Non-Fiction Books

Spirit-Controlled Temperament

Tim LaHaye’s book Spirit-Controlled Temperament examines the four basic temperaments while discussing how Christians can live Spirit-filled lives.  In a friendly but honest fashion, Dr. LaHaye introduces the reader to the strengths and weaknesses of the Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic temperaments. After reading the descriptions of each one’s characteristics, it’s easy to feel discouraged, seeing only our shortcomings….

Why Study Personality?

Why Study Personality?

I can still see us sprawled here and there around our living room. It was the first time my husband’s family visited my family — seven years before we were married. My mom had just been to a business training where she’d learned about the DESA© Behavior Index. And somebody got the idea to have all…

The End.

The End.