Courtship DTR

Courtship DTR

My cousins called me the “Pintship Preacher.” At the ripe old age of thirteen, I was an absolute believer in courtship. The only problem was (in retrospect), believing in courtship presents a slight problem when you aren’t exactly of courting age. I soon learned to term it “waiting instead of dating”. But that really raised the eyebrows of the people who already doubted I’d find a husband in our small town. I told them God knew who my husband was and I was waiting on Him to bring us together.

Marriage Is Not My Highest Calling

I believe strongly and wholeheartedly in solid, godly marriages. Marriage is an awe-inspiring, truly blissful thing and something to be lauded and heralded as the God-ordained institution it is. We are people created for marriage and, once married, we should strive daily, at every possible opportunity to encourage each other toward even stronger, even holier marriages. But marriage is…

Waiting for His Timing

Waiting for His Timing

The Lord spoke to my heart a while back concerning the bare trees and my time of waiting. I had quietly noted within myself how drab and unlovely the trees were looking during the winter months and was contemplating it all and feeling quite sorry for them and myself when all of a sudden the Lord reminded me how this is the season that He has chosen for them and how during this time they wait patiently for the coming and promised spring.

Be Still

It had been “one of those” mornings.It was the middle of December–Christmastime. Things were crazy. Everything from the past two months seemed to have hit me that day–my newborn, my husband’s surgery, a trip to Colorado, Christmas preparations, and a deployment date looming in the near future. This particular day was filled with a million…

The Other Answer

The Other Answer

Sometimes in the very middle of the howling winds of my wants I remember how short a distance I can see and Who knows what truly brings me joy. And so I ask the One who sees to choose my inheritance for me. And then my Abba says “No.” I am cut and bleed and…

Every Good Gift

God’s Gifts. We’ve all heard them talked about and we’ve all talked about them. “My family, the right to worship, good health,” are common answers. These are special things never to be overlooked. Maybe you’d say “Financial stability” or “A good education.” These too are great. But the Bible says: “Every good gift and every…

As Happy as We

As Happy as We

written January 2007 Last Saturday, I watched as my cousin Brian slipped a ring on his new bride’s finger.The pictures in their slide show coordinated perfectly with the lyrics of the new Country song by Heartland, “I Loved Her First.”And as the vocalists sang Newsong’s “When God Made You,” we all rejoiced together with Brian…

The End.

The End.