An Old Fashioned Girl

An Old Fashioned Girl

I can’t think of too many works of fiction that I’ll read at all, let alone read again; but I am continually inspired and encouraged by almost every book I’ve read by Louisa May Alcott.

Thanks to a site I discovered a few years ago that offers a variety of LMA books for online reading, I was finally able to read Little Women in its entirety. And how I laughed and cried as I did! Then I got my own copy and read it again and again — always finding treasures for my own life tucked into the pages.

Little Women read, I turned curiously to some of the other books listed under Louisa Alcott’s name…

2011 March of Books

2011 March of Books

It’s here! Our second annual March of Books.

Last year, we decided that since March is the time to “read the books you’ve always meant to”, we’d dedicate the entire month to sharing our mutual love of books — on our own blogs and here on

This year, we have a whole slate of reviews, some fun posts on books and reading, more giveaways than ever — and some fun new link carnivals as well!

Real life isn’t always like the courtship books

Real life isn’t always like the courtship books

During my teenage years, I read a lot of courtship books. Joshua Harris. Eric and Leslie Ludy. Elisabeth Elliot. You name it. If it was about courtship, I probably read it.

In and of itself, reading those courtship books was not a bad thing. Even though I already knew beforehand that I wasn’t going to “date” casually, and that any relationship I would get into would need to be moving the direction of marriage, reading and knowing that there were others out there who believed the same as I did was encouraging.

However, a steady diet of those type of books during the years when I wasn’t courting–and therefore had nothing to apply what I was reading to–ended up not being a good thing. It essentially caused me to put God in a box in regard to what makes a relationship that is glorifying to Him…

Girls Gone Wise

Girls Gone Wise

Inside Girls Gone Wise, Mary Kassian looks closely at the “wild thing” of Proverbs 7, contrasting her teachability, habits, appearance, focus, and more with those of the wisdom found in the rest of Proverbs. Each of the 20 chapters looks in depth at a point of contrast, using real-life illustrations and providing challenges that go straight to the heart of any girl who wants to be wise.

Walking towards the light

Contrary to what many people think, anorexia (anorexia nervosa) is essentially a mental illness. The person’s mind distorts their body image from what it truly is. I would look at my stick-thin body in the mirror and think that I was fat…I was delusional. But until I read Feeling for Bones, I didn’t realize that was anorexia, I thought I was just concerned about how I looked. But it was more than just concern.


Tortured for Christ

Richard Wurmbrand. I’d never heard the name, never heard his story until I received a free copy of his book, Tortured For Christ, one day probably 8 years ago. I knew about persecution. I knew some of the terrible things early Christians and Christians down through the ages have endured for Christ, but for some…

Romance Idols

Romance Idols

I wanted so much to be in a relationship when I first read Elyse Fitzpatrick’s book Because He Loves Me last year.  From where I stood, it seemed like if only I could have a man of my own, then my life would suddenly become perfect. Whether our treasured idol is comfort, romance, respect, security,…

Take along a book…

Take along a book…

March.  Sometimes it comes “in like a lion and out like a lamb.”  But no matter what the weather was like in your corner of the world, here at March came in and out with books!  We talked about old books and new books.  Little-known titles and best-sellers.  You shared stories of your own…

Your March of Books!

Your March of Books!

From old classics to children’s books, Christian living to Christian fiction, we’ve reviewed our favorites from our very own bookshelves here in the March of Books. Now it’s your turn. We don’t just want to see what’s on your bookshelves—though that was a delight for a bibliophile’s eyes!  We want to hear about those books…

The End.

The End.