Snapshots of Favorite Books

Snapshots of Favorite Books

Maybe it’s dog-eared and underlined and well-read. Maybe it’s a beautiful antique volume you found in the back corner of a used bookstore. Maybe it’s special not so much for what it is but for who gave it to you. Maybe seeing its cover brings back memories of a special bookshopping trip. Maybe it’s the inscription on the fly leaf that makes it incredibly dear to you.

Whatever it is, it’s your favorite copy of a favorite book. And even if you found a brand new, pristine hardback of the same edition, you wouldn’t ever get rid of this beloved volume.


Can’t judge a book by its…review?

Some people read dictionaries for the fun of it; I read book catalogs. I’d spend hours absorbing the brief peeks into the stories, my vivid imagination fed by those few lines under each book cover. Even the black and white catalogs devoid of pictures kept me drooling over the titles!

Writing book reviews for school was such a boring, technical process — guided by rules, not to mention an outline. But then I began publishing a newsletter, and couldn’t contain my enthusiasm for reading to just a column or two: I decided to put together my own favorite book list. The tri-fold brochure had rave reviews that read like the pages out of book catalogs.

When I started to receive copies of books specifically for review purposes, it seemed only fair to put the book in its best light…

An Old Fashioned Girl

An Old Fashioned Girl

I can’t think of too many works of fiction that I’ll read at all, let alone read again; but I am continually inspired and encouraged by almost every book I’ve read by Louisa May Alcott.

Thanks to a site I discovered a few years ago that offers a variety of LMA books for online reading, I was finally able to read Little Women in its entirety. And how I laughed and cried as I did! Then I got my own copy and read it again and again — always finding treasures for my own life tucked into the pages.

Little Women read, I turned curiously to some of the other books listed under Louisa Alcott’s name…

2011 March of Books

2011 March of Books

It’s here! Our second annual March of Books.

Last year, we decided that since March is the time to “read the books you’ve always meant to”, we’d dedicate the entire month to sharing our mutual love of books — on our own blogs and here on

This year, we have a whole slate of reviews, some fun posts on books and reading, more giveaways than ever — and some fun new link carnivals as well!

The End.

The End.