She’d make a good wife…for some lucky guy!

Josiah and Abi

I remember one day we were all having a discussion and I walked away afterwards impressed with Abi’s walk with the Lord. I could tell it was real, and it was her own. About that time God put the thought in my mind, “She would make a good wife and mother.” “Yep!” I thought, “for some lucky guy.” Went right over my head. However, God kept bringing it back and laying her on my heart for the remainder of camp — and by the time camp was over I realized God was saying that to me!

click here for the whole story

I am always encouraged to read or hear of a love story that truly reflects God's fingerprint, His perfect timing, and the evidence of God in each of the individual's lives. Love stories that were not manipulated or brought about by human scheming; each detail was obviously constructed by our Creator. Love stories that are a picture of Christ continually wooing and winning His bride; loving us when we least deserve it and accepting all of the ugly. Love stories in which the man desires to lead and the woman wants to be led and loved like the church. It helps me to believe that the kind of dreams and prayers that we all should have are not too big.

(Jennifer Langley in "Love Stories: An Encouragement")

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