
They played Rook and the sparks flew

Ellie & Don

At 29, Ellie realized that if she were going to get married, God would have to bring someone to her. When Don offered to fix her radio, she thought, “Lord, this is the kind of man I would like to have as a husband.”

Read the rest of their story at Boundless:
Don’t Mind the Gap

"God was slowly just using a bunch of different things to convict me that I had a certain script laid out for how [my love story] was going to go. He just impressed upon me the need to hold my hand more openly and not decide how it was going to look like and how it was going to go—that I would not be so quick to judge and so quick to determine [my husband] was or wasn’t him."

(Lisa Jacobson in "Are You Ready for a Real-Life Love Story?")

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