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He Makes All Things Beautiful in His Time

Aprille & Russ Donaldson

God really began to do a work in my heart – to heal me from heartbreak and rekindle a hope for true love within me. I didn’t know what God had in store for me as far as a husband was concerned, and I still had feelings for Russ, but I was trusting him to reveal His plan for my life in His time, not mine.

Read Our Love Story at Aprille’s blog, Beautiful in His Time

God is “the best maker of all marriages,” and I’m convinced that He loves to do it! He brought Eve to Adam. He prompted Eliezer’s prayer for guidance, and then answered it by matching Rebekah with Isaac. He arranged for Ruth to “accidentally” bump into Boaz, inspired Naomi when she counseled Ruth to consider this man who seemed so beyond her grasp, and fueled Boaz’s determination to finish the matter that very day.

This is a picture of God’s heart. This is what He wants to do for all His children. This is what He wants to do for me.

If someday I live out my love story in light of the gospel, who can help seeing the pure and unconditional love of Jesus? That’s an exciting thought!

(Elisabeth in "His Love Stories" at Boundless.org)

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