floored by a heavenly 2×4
Elizabeth & James Johnson
I always kind of knew that I’d end up falling in love with a guy who was first just a good friend, because that’s the only way I can really be myself. And to realize that this guy, who answered all my theology questions, and whom I enjoyed spending time with, and who was totally single, felt the same calling as I did for future ministry… that just floored me.
read Our Love Story at DogFur and Dandelions
My favorite love stories are true ones. In fact, I've probably read or heard the stories of nearly 150 Christian couples, each one as unique as a fingerprint. Some couples called it "courtship," some called it "dating," and some met and married long before the terms acquired their present meanings. God's kindness is evident in them all.
(Elisabeth in "His Love Stories" at Boundless.org)