How to Find the Perfect Book Club for You

How to Find the Perfect Book Club for You

Growing up, I dreamed of being a part of a club where everyone enjoyed reading as much as I did. But I didn’t know how to find a book club to join. And I certainly never dreamed of starting one. Until I realized how easy it might be to start my own. I gathered a few acquaintances, my sister and so we began.

Have you ever been part of a book club? Or wanted to be part of a book club? Then I have some ideas for you on how to start!

a life in fiction

a life in fiction

Some things get to be so much a part of one’s identity that it is impossible to trace the thread of memory back to the beginning, back to the initial taste of an entirely new experience. I wish I could remember when books first entered my world, but I cannot. Like the seemingly infinite existence…

Reading for Fun: It’s OK

Reading for Fun: It’s OK

Reading had become a chore. As odd as it sounds, that’s what happened. I had spent the majority of my childhood identifying “reading” as my foremost hobby, I had voraciously devoured multiple books a week, and had routinely won the local library’s summer reading program. Somewhere along the way, my default leisure activity switched to…

my book log

my book log

After finishing my first big-girl book, my mom insisted I form the habit of writing down the title of each book I read. I wasn’t too thrilled. This book-log idea sounded strangely familiar to the practice of writing thank-you notes.


The Reading Balance

Years have changed a lot of things for this bookworm. The responsibilities and demands of life have shifted my priorities: I don’t read as much as I use to read, and for a while, I read almost nothing at all. In part, many moves that kept books tucked into boxes for months or years at a time were to blame. But that wasn’t the only reason.

I doubt that over-reading in general is something that much of the population today has to worry about. But sometimes I wonder if we take time to find balance in our reading, in what we read, how we read and yes, even how much we read…

you read what you are

I was at another meeting of homeschool moms. Tonight, the discussion topic was a book that only half of us had read.

I hadn’t read it. And I’ll admit, I was slightly prejudiced against the book and the authors.

But listening to one mom, I thought it sounded like a fabulous book on parenting.

Hearing another, though, I was afraid it might be filled with too many rules and not enough grace.

I laughed as I concluded that you could easily think you were hearing reviews of ten very different books when in a room full of ten homeschool moms who were talking about only one book…

The End.

The End.