The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition

The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition

Marriage isn’t easy. And when you add the military factor to marriage, things can get sticky in a hurry if you don’t have your feet on a solid foundation. Which is why we need all the Godly guidance, tools and encouragement we can get. The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition covers all those bases.

As an Army wife, this book was an answer to my prayers. Don’t get me wrong—I am so thankful to be married to a wonderful man, but we (obviously) are both sinners and recognized about 18 seconds into our marriage that it takes work.

Color Me Blue: The People Code

Color Me Blue: The People Code

Whether comparing personalities to animals, characters in the Bible and literature, or using descriptive psychological terms, most systems differentiate four main personality types, acknowledging you can be a combination of several. Each approach generally results in the same conclusion: our personality is an intrinsic part of our nature and in large part determines how we relate to other people.

Stewardship of the Body

Stewardship of the Body

Stewardship of the feminine body, to some, might dictate an immediate discussion on modesty. But as someone who has focused on birth and fitness since childhood, I see three root words in that weighty term that will get you excited to see your body from a whole new angle: Ward, Ship and Steward. The office…



I use the word mercy many times over, and he asks what mercy looks like. It’s a harder question than I anticipate. Formless virtue is simple; to give it life and ligaments is more difficult.

The End.

The End.