Embracing My High C

by Crystal Stine

Hi, my name is Crystal, and I love taking personality tests. From legitimate tests like Myers-Briggs (I’m an INFJ if you were curious) to the goofy ones you find online or in magazines, I love them all. When I found out my husband and I got to take them as part of our pre-marital counseling, I was thrilled. When a potential job asked me to take one as part of the hiring process, I couldn’t wait to get started.

But then I read the results, and my mind starts to wonder…is this really me? Is this all there is to “Crystal,” all neat and tidy and packaged into a few pages of analysis? My DISC assessment is the one I struggled most with when it came to these thoughts recently, and here’s why: I’m not the most flattering “letter.”

If you’re unfamiliar with the DISC assessment, it works very much like most personality tests. You fill in the bubbles, answer some seemingly random and unrelated questions, choosing the option that seems most like yourself. At the end of this one, you’re given scores based on behavioral style:

  • Decisive – your preference for problem solving and getting results
  • Interactive – your preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
  • Stability – your preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
  • Cautious – your preference for procedures,standards and protocols

Yep, that spells DISC. You know. In case you wondered why it was called a DISC assessment. You’re welcome.

Here’s how I score:

Embracing My High C by @CrystalStine on @KindredGrace

I couldn’t possibly score higher on the “C” scale. A 99? Who scores a 99? I assumed I would be close to even across the board, with maybe a slight increase in the “I” category, given my work with (in)courage and my “words of affirmation” Love Language preference. The feedback I focused on? I’m boring. I like structure. I would do well to show more enthusiasm. I don’t adjust well to change. I expect high quality. I’m passive-aggressive.

Is it true? Actually…yes. To be honest with you, it was hard to read some of the analysis because there were hard truths that had been spoken to me through the years by friends, employers, and co-workers that I really didn’t want to believe were true. Parts of my personality that seem to haunt me, no matter how hard I try to change it or hide it. One thing I learned in taking this test? You can only hide your God-given personality so long before you turn into a burned-out, stressed-out mess. Ask me how I know this is true (and I’ll tell you how many months it has taken to recover from that particular season).

When I took a step back and looked at the positive side of some of these, it helped me realize something about this “personality” of mine. It’s why I can be successful as a virtual assistant, a marketing coordinator, a project manager, community builder and a freelance writer – all while raising a toddler and juggling a family. God built me this way. He knew that I would need to be extremely detail-oriented, have a desire to “do it right the first time” (because who has time to do it over?), and to teach others what I know.

And some of the more negative sides of my personality? I have to admit, they are areas I’ve been praying about for years. Do these few pages of analysis and bar charts fully encapsulate who God created me to be? Not at all – but when it comes to how I work, it’s a helpful tool in understanding a little bit more about myself.

Crystal StineCrystal’s heart is to encourage women through the written word. She is a toddler mama dedicated to her family, pursuing God Sized Dreams and her passions as a virtual assistant, marketing/social media professional, (in)courage Community Leader Coordinator , Allume contributor & Raising Generations Today team member.



  1. I am an INFJ. Just took the DISC test at church tonight, the class is for learning our spiritual gifts. I scored highest in D, close second in C, then S, and very low in I. Seems most INFJ’s don’t score high in the D, but I do quite well in leadership capacities and managing people and projects. It is not so much because I have chosen those paths, it’s just where I always end up. Thanks.

  2. I also scored 99% in the C category. I do self identify with what it says about me. My MYERS Briggs type is ISTJ and my enneagram type is 6. For years I’ve struggled and have felt socially out of place, which causes me a lot of anxiety. I am learning to accept the way God has created me, but it has not been easy living in a world where extroversion is valued more.

  3. I’d not done this particular ‘character test’ before but reading the results – yep, I’d say that’s right. It took me until a few years ago though to realise whilst there were definite flaws in my character, it is God-given and, therefore, actually has good sides!! How liberating to realise it and stop trying to squash myself into what I thought was ‘right’!!

    1. I need to take this test! I have no idea what i’d be…but I know I’m probably overly cautious. I’m highly introverted (typically score 100% introverted on the letter tests I’ve taken..much to my chagrin.) and that definitely plays into my caution.

  4. I’ve never taken DISC, but I’d imagine I would have much the same results (and reaction) that you did. I’m also an INFJ 🙂 Thanks for the reminder that God shapes our personality and is there to offer grace for the negatives.

    1. This is awesome! Nice to “meet” a fellow INFJ, by the way. I found myself nodding throughout most of this…now I’m going to put “take DISC” (the personality test I hadn’t yet heard of) on my to-do list. 🙂

  5. Crystal,
    I love your perspective! I often have trouble “coming to terms” with traits that are *obviously* in my nature because I’ve seen them my whole life. This is refreshing. 🙂


  6. I’ve never taken the DISC test, but it sounds interesting. Love you encouragement here, to embrace what you were created to be but not to feel boxed in by labels. God did create us all unique and is still working to refine the edges of our personalities.

  7. I’m at the opposite end of the chart (High D!) but I, too, have long struggled with being a less-than flattering letter. Thanks for this encouragement! (And thanks for guest posting for us today!)

  8. Ha! I would have guessed something like that, but not so strong! Good job seeing how it serves your family’s needs and that even that strong trait is a gift from God!

    I like taking those too, but find I’m almost always nearly equal in traits – I’ll take that to mean I’m resilient and easily able to quickly adapt… God knew I’d need to be that way to adapt to all this moving!! Lol

    You’re a blessing!! (And great lead in on G+ and blog teaser!)

  9. That’s so interesting! I kind of like taking these tests too, but I never gave it that much thought since it seemed so vague. And sometimes a little .. not me!
    I love how you show how to make it more personal and how to actually do something with it!

  10. Girl would you be surprised to know that this HIGH and I mean “off the charts” there -is-no-other-letter beside it “D” struggles with her assessment as well. And at first I read my results I focused on the “dominant,” “overbearing,” “has to have her own way,” and I think the word “bully” was even used – so much so that I cried for days – because I don’t want to be those things. Then slowly through reflection and a friend who helped me unpack it all helped me realize that the world needs go-getters, that the ability to make quick decisions are a gift… Granted there are parts of me that can be a little abrasive but God is showing me how to temper those with grace… You are such a blessing the way you are friend… and I am just so thankful that God has put you in my life… Love and hugs today.

    1. Oh I love this so much! I’ve noticed that when I let my flesh guide my attitude, those negative aspects of my personality seem to be harsh – but when I leave room for grace & focus on using it all for God’s glory, the edges are softened and some really good things can happen 🙂

    2. The first time I took the DISC assessment was in 9th grade at SLU- the same place I interned this summer! It’s one of the very best sessions and I loved my letter(s). This summer, many years later, I took it again and things had changed, since obviously I’ve changed. It was interesting, because some things stayed the same but others rose up or fell down. It all clearly related to what I do now with college and (in)courage, etc. And I’ll be honest…I wasn’t a fan of the changes. But after listening to the same session on DISC five weeks in a row, I’m so thankful for how He made me and you and each one of us. We’re different, all of us. It makes for a lot more fun, many laughs, and good conversations. We need more D’s. Man I wish you could have heard all about that in the session!

  11. Oooh! I love personality tests! Some day I’ll have to tell you about the revelation that hit me when I read “The Personality Tree” by Florence Littauer years and years ago. I believe I am either a high D or a high I, or pretty high on both. It’s been a few years since I did DISC. 🙂 But one thing I can tell you is that there are good things to emphasize and bad things to minimize in every personality type, and there’s a need for each one. Love this post!

    1. Thanks Kim! I love the reminder that there is a need for it all – the good parts and the bad attributes..we’d be pretty boring otherwise, huh? 😉

    2. Great Point! God has gifted us all in our very own unique ways. I believe we were put here to learn lessons and make a difference in each other’s lives. I am very grateful to have found this blog, where people like us can come together and share our thoughts, suggestions and experiences.

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