Wondering if true love still exists?

We believe that true love, real freedom, and authentic identity can be found only in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

And we know that God still writes the best love stories.

What if you could have your faith restored in a God Who still delights in making dreams come true?

Join us in celebrating true love.

Love Stories (a collection from Kindred Grace)

“The stories are as varied as the people they represent. Different life experiences, different mistakes, different families, different callings. It’s marvelous to hear all the many ways that the Lord works. He is the author of love and our love stories are unique expressions of His heart. Part of the beauty of reading love stories is experiencing the many differences in them. Some may seem similar from a distance, but when you look up close, every story is unique. Which means, if you have a love story, it will be unlike any that you’ve ever read before—because it will be yours. Don’t read stories looking for the one you want, because you’ll never find the one you will get. Just enjoy them for their variety, for their beauty.”

(Natasha Metzler in “How to Read Love Stories“)

Love Stories

a collection from Kindred Grace, curated by Elisabeth

Latest Love Stories

Looking for more love stories?

How I Met My Spouse – Heartwarming Memories From the Readers of Reminisce Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife I Love You, Ronnie: The Letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan Stories for the Romantic Heart Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan & Sarah Edwards Love Without Limits: A Remarkable Story of True Love Conquering All

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Please Note: This is a curated collection, not an exhaustive one. Not all links submitted will be published. Linking to or publishing a story does not indicate endorsement of the website, author, or relationship.

Kindred Grace believes that relationships should be pursued to the glory of God. We do not endorse any particular method of courtship or dating, nor pretend that any formulaic methods will prevent heartache or sin. We at Kindred Grace embrace the freedom of God’s grace as He redeems our broken stories for His glory. (Click here to read more of our perspective on love stories.)