Through the years…
Jodi Guiley & Ryan Griggs
A member here at our Church invited her niece to come to Church and one Sunday morning the niece came and brought her 5-year-old son with her … that was when Ryan and I first met.
Oh! what special memories we have of these last 18 years! Ryan and I were both home schooled (as were all of the young people in our Church while we were growing up) so there were lots of homeschool field trips, hayrides, birthday parties, volleyball games, and even Trooper Island Family Camps that Ryan and I both attended.
When Ryan and I look back over all our years together we are filled with such awe when we see how that the LORD has brought us together so perfectly. We see HIS Hand on our lives moving and working in so many different situations to bring our hearts together and oh! how we praise HIS Name!
“This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalms 118:23
And you know what else I discover when I look back over these years? I see that although I was quite unsuspecting at the time … I fell in love with Ryan many, many years ago!
Ryan came over on Valentines Day and asked for permission to begin a Courtship. I was so shocked, so surprised, so honored that I was absolutely speechless! And I don’t think I slept for weeks … everything was so new and exciting!
Throughout our teenage years, Ryan nor I had ever dated anyone. We trusted HIM who is faithful to keep us for the one that HE had prepared for us … and when the LORD brought us together HE gave us HIS perfect peace!
“And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” Isa.42:16
That has been one very special verse to me and I have claimed this promise over and over and over again trusting that HE is faithful that promised!
“Great is THY Faithfulness”.
Our year of courtship was a special time in which we fell in love, and with each passing day our friendship grew stronger and our love grew deeper. We spent lots of time together during our courtship and oh! how we thank the LORD that we only live 10 minutes apart for we sure enjoy being together (in fact rarely did a day go by that we didn’t spend time together).
Many, many things happened during our sweet year of courtship and we enjoyed every moment! We enjoyed lots of picnics and hikes at surrounding state parks, playing UNO with our brothers and sisters, visiting with our Grandparents, helping a friend out in his local campaign … you know, it really didn’t matter what we were doing we just so enjoyed being together! And every month marking the anniversary of the beginning of our courtship Ryan brought me roses.
On February 14, 2003, Ryan invited me out to dinner … after a very sweet romantic dinner for two with Chinese Food, Candles, and Roses … Ryan proposed and I exclaimed YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalms 107:31
Now a new path has been set before us. Courtship was wonderful but I think engagement is even better! 🙂 How excited we are to see what the LORD has in store for our future as we share life together forever!
So, let me encourage you to keep trusting the LORD for HIS way is always perfect! Keep praying and seeking HIS will for your future … be like Rebecca in the Bible busy serving the LORD at home and HE will work all things out just perfectly!
Jodi Guiley wrote this shortly before becoming Mrs. Ryan Griggs on August 21, 2003
(story reprinted with permission from HopeChest Magazine)
My favorite love stories are true ones. In fact, I've probably read or heard the stories of nearly 150 Christian couples, each one as unique as a fingerprint. Some couples called it "courtship," some called it "dating," and some met and married long before the terms acquired their present meanings. God's kindness is evident in them all.
(Elisabeth in "His Love Stories" at