a red-cheeked boy and a frizzy-haired girl

Amanda & Philip Medlin

It was a hot day in August of ’92. In the sixth grade classroom up the stairs and to the left, a red-cheeked boy sat behind a frizzy-haired girl. They each wore glasses far too large for their face. He sneezed six times and she rolled her eyes.

Little did these two sixth graders know…

Read Their Love Story

Don't follow a formula. While it’s tempting to try and tuck love into some tidy box, it will never work like that. Do rely on the Holy Spirit. Rather than depending on someone else’s “step-by-step”, listen to the Spirit and how He is guiding.

(Lisa Jacobson in "Essential Dos and Don'ts for Courtship and Dating" at Club31Women.com)

More Love Stories

Love and War: 250 Years of Wartime Love Letters A Cord of Three Strands: Three Centuries of Christian Love Letters His Perfect Faithfulness – A Love Story Built By God A Match Made in Heaven Volume II: More Inspirational Love Stories (Match Made in Heaven)