a red-cheeked boy and a frizzy-haired girl

Amanda & Philip Medlin

It was a hot day in August of ’92. In the sixth grade classroom up the stairs and to the left, a red-cheeked boy sat behind a frizzy-haired girl. They each wore glasses far too large for their face. He sneezed six times and she rolled her eyes.

Little did these two sixth graders know…

Read Their Love Story

I am always encouraged to read or hear of a love story that truly reflects God's fingerprint, His perfect timing, and the evidence of God in each of the individual's lives. Love stories that were not manipulated or brought about by human scheming; each detail was obviously constructed by our Creator. Love stories that are a picture of Christ continually wooing and winning His bride; loving us when we least deserve it and accepting all of the ugly. Love stories in which the man desires to lead and the woman wants to be led and loved like the church. It helps me to believe that the kind of dreams and prayers that we all should have are not too big.

(Jennifer Langley in "Love Stories: An Encouragement")

More Love Stories

Shadowlands To Joey With Love A Cord of Three Strands: Three Centuries of Christian Love Letters Passion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ’s Control