She created her own fictional hero; God brought him to life
Rachelle Rea and Devin Cobb
This is my love story. On March 6, 2015, I met the man I’d marry on the doorstep of my pastor’s home on small group night. Much to my chagrin, I didn’t invite him in, shake his hand, or say a word.
Instead, I left him there on the porch, flustered by the fact that I had gone to the door certain the knock meant a girlfriend had arrived and found a man instead. I was wrong, I was rude, and I had no idea my life had just changed forever.
His name is Devin. That’s right, the romance novelist has had her love stories one-upped by the one God wrote just for her, for me, the happy heroine in a love that’s still going strong as my husband and I make our newlywed nest in the small town where we both grew up.
"Real-life love stories display the endless creativity of the Author of life. While some are similar, no two love stories are alike, and sometimes they begin with the strangest coincidences, the slimmest chances, the most insurmountable odds. Two strangers seated together on a plane. Attending the wrong funeral. Car breakdowns. Wrong numbers. Or sometimes the opposite is true, and next-door neighbors suddenly see each other in a different light, or the annoying tag-along kid grows up. I’m always fascinated by human drama, and that’s a key ingredient in love stories."
-Jeannie Pederson on Club31Women