on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere

Tsh & Kyle Oxenreider

We met on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, and over the span of a few months, we became fast friends. It wasn’t hard, living in a country sparse with young, single English speakers… I secretly wanted to marry Kyle the moment I met him. But I never told him this.

Read The Great Romance at (in)Courage

My favorite love stories are true ones. In fact, I've probably read or heard the stories of nearly 150 Christian couples, each one as unique as a fingerprint. Some couples called it "courtship," some called it "dating," and some met and married long before the terms acquired their present meanings. God's kindness is evident in them all.

(Elisabeth in "His Love Stories" at Boundless.org)

More Love Stories

How I Met My Spouse – Heartwarming Memories From the Readers of Reminisce Passion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ’s Control Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan & Sarah Edwards This Life I Live: One Man’s Extraordinary, Ordinary Life and the Woman Who Changed It Forever