the one purpose behind all our passions

the one purpose behind all our passions

There is nothing more satisfying than the feeling that I get when I do the things that God created me to do. I feel alive, and the fears that often keep me back fade away in the confidence that He gives in doing, in being. These are the passions that make us who we are. This is the feeling of being where we belong, of doing what we were made for. But it is finding purpose within our passion that keeps us going in the right direction.

Identity Lost

Identity Lost

I’ve walked alongside these women. Wept with them. Prayed with them. I daily encounter people who are lost and blind in their pain because they can’t see or accept the light of Who God is and who He made them and called them to be.

Blind Faith

Blind Faith

On my knees, face in my hands, eyes closed, I searched for Him. But I couldn’t see Him. I closed my eyes tighter, yet still struggled to connect with Him as I prayed.

There are moments when I feel so very blind. It’s not clear where I’m going. I can hardly see the next step…

And I’m afraid to walk when I can’t see.


It was simply titled “There”, but it was one of the most powerful sermons I’d heard. The piece of paper on which I jotted the notes and main points is limp now, for each of the years that have passed since I first heard the sermon have proved to make the message it contained more…

My Ebenezer

My Ebenezer

It is a simple, hard backed journal of greens with the words “each day has a miracle inside of it” printed on the front. It is getting worn on the edges, but its pages are filled with page after page of my life. Its a record of God’s faithfulness in my life, of the way that He has led, and a map of the road I traveled from there to here. It’s my Ebenezer…

At My Master’s Feet

At My Master’s Feet

I sat in the Adoration Chapel. Mind going at its usual fast pace. Distracted. Trying to focus and pray while the background thoughts raced by.

Sit, I commanded myself, frustrated. Just sit still and pray.

I grinned at myself, noticing that my admonition sounded like I was talking to a dog.

Little Things That Matter

Little Things That Matter

There are a lot of big things in life: big decisions, big challenges, big changes, big hopes, big dreams, big disappointments, big opportunities. And honestly, sometimes “its hard to see the trees through the forest” when it comes down to the nitty gritty of day to day life. But just like the forests of this…

What’s a Girl to Read?

I love reading. Books are beautiful – the covers, the pages, the words. The smell of the paper and the ink, too. And then there’s the story!

But what’s a girl to read? The choice of books is vast. And although it’s tempting to judge a book by it’s cover and read a book that displays a gorgeous picture or an intriguing title, that’s not always wise—not for a girl who loves Jesus.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life…”



Integers have been spinning around my head of late. I struggle to see the necessity of mastering this skill, but I’m trusting that those older than me know why I must submit to this twisting of brain cells. I’ll admit, I do enjoy it sometimes. So far one of my favorite things to do is solving formulas for a variable. It’s like a puzzle. You have to move things around and get rid of things until you have isolated the variable and its value is shown on the other side of the equals sign.

The End.

The End.