Identity Lost

Identity Lost

I’ve walked alongside these women. Wept with them. Prayed with them. I daily encounter people who are lost and blind in their pain because they can’t see or accept the light of Who God is and who He made them and called them to be.

Spoken Identity

Spoken Identity

Spoken identity is changing the perception of someone from an under role to one of great importance.

Is this not what the Lord does for us? Breathes life, character, identity, being, and importance into us – HIS creation?

As representatives of the Creator, can we do this for others? Do this outside of the costume room – from life’s backstage?


Identify Me

We all have an identity: certain traits and characteristics that set us apart from other people. When asked to describe yourself, what things do you say? How would you classify yourself? Usually, I begin with my personality and beliefs, likes and dislikes, my situation in life… things that other people can easily grasp, allowing them…

The End.

The End.