Notice the Married Moments

Notice the Married Moments

We love romance and the epic drama of falling in love.

And then we get married and our “happily ever after” begins. And suddenly it’s about grocery shopping, and getting up with the baby on Saturday morning, and how to fit in a date night, and fixing a broken faucet, and the alarm clock on Monday morning… in other words, what’s known as “real life.”

Is it Good Enough?

Is it Good Enough?

I scold, I hold, I praise, I reprimand, I instruct, I look. I do this and I do that. And yet, is it ever enough? Are my kids feeling my love? Are they feeling my care? Are they learning to obey? Are they learning to trust Jesus? Are they learning right from wrong and how to make good choices? Am I doing enough for them, with them? Is it good enough?

A Real Life Love

A Real Life Love

I always wondered about the moment when I’d meet my future husband. Romantic dreams of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy on a sun-drenched morning hillside filled my mind – Austen à la mode.

But can I confess something?

I barely remember Josh at all from that day.

Proverbs 31 Homeschool Moms

Sometimes we just need to take time to do a “reality check” in our homes. We have to remind ourselves, “What does the LORD require of me?” Perfection, in this season of life, in our houses, in our homeschools, and in ourselves, is not going to occur!

Some homeschooling moms have this idealistic vision of a Proverbs 31 homeschooling mother who rises while it is yet early and prepares a large, nutritious hot breakfast for her family, (complete with homemade bread, she never buys “store-bought!”) then has time to devote an hour to the Lord in prayer and Bible Study (whoops! Make that two hours, an hour for each!) and then has the house all sparkling clean by 8:00 to start homeschool!

A Wedding

A Wedding

It is a beautiful summer’s day many years ago, the sun shining shimmery-hot and the world vividly green and rich.

She’s four years old and all dressed up in a gingham blue checked dress, her brown hair pretty and pulled back in a bow. Her brothers are dressed up, too, as is fitting for such an important occasion.

For someone is getting married today.

It’s the first time she’s been to a wedding and it is so exciting.

the heart that was broken

I had never wanted to know what it was to have a broken heart. I had tried to do things differently from most of the world, to protect myself and my heart from needless pain. But here I was, and it was real.

When I saw that there was someone else that made him smile, the realization that I didn’t light up his world brought the painful truth home. I knew, then, that I could never make him happy the way that I wanted to, the way that it should have been. Knowing that perhaps “he and I, together” wasn’t meant to be after all weighed on my heart like so many heavy bricks, crushing out the spark of joy that once had lit up my world.



Integers have been spinning around my head of late. I struggle to see the necessity of mastering this skill, but I’m trusting that those older than me know why I must submit to this twisting of brain cells. I’ll admit, I do enjoy it sometimes. So far one of my favorite things to do is solving formulas for a variable. It’s like a puzzle. You have to move things around and get rid of things until you have isolated the variable and its value is shown on the other side of the equals sign.

When It’s Hard to Hear Above the Noise:letters to a mom of young children, from a mom who’s been there

When It’s Hard to Hear Above the Noise:
letters to a mom of young children, from a mom who’s been there

From Mother, To Daughter Dear Lisa, It has been a long time since we really connected.  I know my schedule is difficult to work around, and your little people need you almost non-stop, and I know you cherish the short time you have with your husband.  I’m not sure there is a solution.  But I…

Waiting for David

by Abbie There’s a certain temptation I’ve been facing lately; the temptation to try to “help” God along. And of course by “help” I mean, “completely wreck everything by trying to take charge of what I don’t understand, specifically: my future”. You probably know what I’m talking about. (At least…I hope you do. Or else…

The End.

The End.