of #NotesFromABlueBike and the gift of #entertainment at @KindredGrace

the gift of entertainment

I was raised without a TV. Perhaps that’s why Tsh Oxenrider’s passion for a life that isn’t dominated by a television resonated. To me, it makes perfect sense, of course there’s more to life and entertainment than a television. Entertainment, in all its forms, is so easily accessible in our technology-soaked culture; we can hardly…

the heart of education - #NotesFromABlueBike at @KindredGrace

the heart of education

The end of January and the start of February are, in Australia, crazy times. After Australia Day on the 26th of January, a new school year begins for everyone from kindergarten to year twelve. A month later (give or take a couple of weeks), tertiary students head to university to begin or round out their…

The End.

The End.