Avoid Cold Water

Dan & Virginia Work

My Advice? Avoid cold water. Don’t use your prospective husband as a test dummy. Go on as many adventures as you can. And most of all: commit your way to God and trust Him. He can and will direct you, even if it’s up the mountain, into the lake, or over that next hill.

read the rest of the story here

"Real-life love stories display the endless creativity of the Author of life. While some are similar, no two love stories are alike, and sometimes they begin with the strangest coincidences, the slimmest chances, the most insurmountable odds. Two strangers seated together on a plane. Attending the wrong funeral. Car breakdowns. Wrong numbers. Or sometimes the opposite is true, and next-door neighbors suddenly see each other in a different light, or the annoying tag-along kid grows up. I’m always fascinated by human drama, and that’s a key ingredient in love stories."

-Jeannie Pederson on Club31Women

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