sowing little seeds

Sometimes the pressure from the rest of the world to do “big things” for God leaves me feeling insignificant and overwhelmed and weak.

Is it possible, however, that God smiles when His daughters to do little things for Him with hearts overflowing with faith, hope and love?

For me this has been a year of little things. It’s not, to be honest, because I’ve chosen little things over big things for most of the year. It’s because my own limitations of energy and time have forced me from the pursuit of big things to the (reluctant) embrace of little things.

The funny thing is that “little things”, when you stop and see and notice them, aren’t all that little.

Like seeds, it seems, little things have a lot of potential.

Little things have beauty and value like little seeds planted with dreams of a harvest plenty to come.

Little Things

It seems to me that little things were a real and vital part of Jesus’ ministry and teaching. He talked about mustard seeds (Matthew 17:20) and cups of water (Mark 9:41) and small children (Matthew 19:14). God commanded His people not to despise “the day of small things” (Zechariah 4:10). He bids us now, not to do big things, but to believe that He can and will do big things beyond what we can imagine (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Perhaps, today, God is asking His daughters to stop striving and worrying about doing big things. It may be that He’s asking us to find our strength, not in how many people we can bless and ministries we can serve, but in quietness and trust in Him (Isaiah 30:15). Perhaps He’s asking us to embrace little things for Him.

I don’t know what little things, like little seeds, you hold in your heart. Whatever those little things are, however, I want to encourage you to hold them with gratitude and wonder. I want to encourage you to recognise their beauty and value. I want to encourage you to be faithful in sowing those little seeds of faithfulness, kindness and generosity.

I want you to know that every little seed you plant in life — seeds like friendly smiles, encouraging words, earnest prayers, sincere love and unglamourous acts of service — have boundless potential for a harvest plenty.

God can do anything with the little seeds we sow in faithfulness. We can stop worrying. We can trust God for a harvest beyond what we can strive and work and worry into existence.

Image Credit: Maja Petric


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