what the LORD brought together

Jennifer Moline & Steven Ervin

“This young man earnestly desired my best and the Lord’s will. He very graciously understood my parents decision in not allowing us to meet. In fact, while he was in Texas, the Lord was impressing upon his heart the tremendous like-mindedness between our family and Steven. He went home with a burden upon his heart for his friend to inquire unto my father.”

read the story

We become the story we feed on. Marital love satisfies longings like no cheap imitation can. So the Real Story, the cosmic romance, fills us like no other story can.

What story will I feed on? What story will I become?

(Ann Voskamp in "Become the Story", originally at A Holy Experience)

More Love Stories

Hudson Taylor & Maria: A Match Made in Heaven Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan & Sarah Edwards His Perfect Faithfulness – A Love Story Built By God Passion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ’s Control