Under the Mystery

“Why, Lord?” I have asked Him this question many, many times this year. I ask not because I question His judgment but because His thoughts and ways are higher than mine. I cannot comprehend all of the reasons behind His doings. “Why now, Lord?” I wondered in April, when I discovered that I was pregnant….

What are you doing?

“So. . .what are you doing with your life?” is something I am often asked. Actually, I think anyone between the ages of 18 and 29 hears that question a lot. There are so many changes and major events that occur in this season of life. We join our friends in having graduations, jobs, weddings…

The Furnace

We’ve had quite a spell of hot weather recently. For those of you in southern climes, 96 degrees for a week might not sound too bad, but it’s pretty tough on us Northerners without air conditioning (especially three days that got to 102 degrees!). My family used many words to describe the heat: “smothering,” “scorching,”…

Class of 2007

It’s that time of year. Along with the return of the summer birds, vacation plans, garden planting, and spring cleaning, it’s graduation party season. In my neck of the woods, early summer is the time for open houses to celebrate high school graduations. Grad parties are such fun events, at least in my experience. We…

the power of a story

I love that Jesus taught in stories. That has always given a lift to my writer’s heart, has always made the effort of putting pen to paper seem so worthwhile. In His parables He comprehended the fact that we are a story-loving lot, that tales of the just and the unjust are a universal language…

In Every Change

“Maybe you should start packing.” My husband’s voice carried the usual note of teasing but also a serious undercurrent. He was just joking, right? Maybe not this time… We were in the throes of yet another major, life changing decision; the past two years had been full of them. Do we stay here, or do…

The End.

The End.