Girls Gone Wise

Girls Gone Wise

Inside Girls Gone Wise, Mary Kassian looks closely at the “wild thing” of Proverbs 7, contrasting her teachability, habits, appearance, focus, and more with those of the wisdom found in the rest of Proverbs. Each of the 20 chapters looks in depth at a point of contrast, using real-life illustrations and providing challenges that go straight to the heart of any girl who wants to be wise.

Walking towards the light

Contrary to what many people think, anorexia (anorexia nervosa) is essentially a mental illness. The person’s mind distorts their body image from what it truly is. I would look at my stick-thin body in the mirror and think that I was fat…I was delusional. But until I read Feeling for Bones, I didn’t realize that was anorexia, I thought I was just concerned about how I looked. But it was more than just concern.


It amazes me the things I define myself by.

For as long as I can remember, I was always the skinny girl. I pretty much looked like a toothpick until I was about 16 or so and even then, I was still very slender. This had its own problems, but in general it was something that I liked about myself. I definitely thought of myself as thin and whenever anyone would describe me it would almost inevitably be on their list.

Is Modesty Immaterial?

When we talk of modesty, I always think of the story Elisabeth Elliot told of the Auca Indians. They wore nothing but a string around their bellies. But to them, the neighboring tribe who was lacking that tiny bit of adornment was walking around stark naked and terribly immodest. That did not mean that Elisabeth…

Marriage Is Not My Highest Calling

I believe strongly and wholeheartedly in solid, godly marriages. Marriage is an awe-inspiring, truly blissful thing and something to be lauded and heralded as the God-ordained institution it is. We are people created for marriage and, once married, we should strive daily, at every possible opportunity to encourage each other toward even stronger, even holier marriages. But marriage is…

Set Apart

Set-Apart Femininity: God’s Sacred Intent for Every Young Woman is unlike the average book at your local Christian book store.  As the title implies, it is most definitely set apart from the rest.  It is not a book about being a happy, fulfilled, Christian woman-at least not in the terms we normally think of happiness…

Letting Beauty Fade

Letting Beauty Fade

Short, fat, tall, thin.I look in the mirror and a thousand voices echo in my head.This is too big, that’s not big enough.My inner critic is relentless and harsh.Images swirl through my mind’s eye.Bone-thin models and beautiful actresses and singers.Every one of them telling me the same thing.You don’t measure up. Then the if onlys…

The End.

The End.