How to Nourish True Friendship with Others

How to Nourish True Friendship with Others

I stare at her text.

“I felt like you were dismissive and controlling. . .”

It’s like the phone burns my hand. I put it down and gaze out the window, willing myself not to cry, trying to gather my thoughts.

In following one friend’s advice, I inadvertently offended two others. And quickly clouding my sense of how I should respond and what to do next, shame swirls in.

I’m no good at this friendship thing. I don’t know how to do this. I am a terrible friend.

Run. Hide. Quit.

Though I’m confident keeping a home, doing a job, even teaching a classroom, being a friend is not a skill that comes easily to me. I’m much better at projects than at people.

But I know as human beings, we are created to love and be loved.

We are made in the image of God, meant to relate not just vertically but also horizontally.

It’s ultimately sin that fractures our friendships and causes the confusion, the isolation, the loneliness.

The End.

The End.