

It’s Epiphany today: the feast of the three kings, the three sages, the three very wise men. They arrived late on the scene — some say two years — when Jesus was no longer described as a baby, but a young child; staying not in a stable, but a house. The point is: they showed…

Postmarked: Wisconsin, England, Colorado, & California!

Postmarked: Wisconsin, England, Colorado, & California!

What a privilege to send you a “post card” from my new home in California! This has been the most amazing year of my life. I hope to write several articles to share more of my story, but for now, here is a quick update…

At the beginning of the year a young man who I greatly admired and respected started corresponding with me on and off. By March he decided I was “more or less interesting”…

Tidings of Joy

Tidings of Joy

I’ve always wondered what it might have been like to be alive that night in Bethlehem. I’ve wondered what it would have been like to be one of those shepherds on the hills… to have seen it. To have heard it. To have been there to welcomed Him. I read the words and imagine myself…

The End.

The End.