Letters of a Woman Homesteader

Letters of a Woman Homesteader

I can’t remember where I first saw the book Letters of a Woman Homesteader. The wonderful cover caught my eye right away and the title was intriguing, but the clincher was the fact that I could read it right away on my iPod — for free!

I was not disappointed. Not only is the premise interesting — a young widow with a small daughter who decides to go out West and claim her own homestead — the writing is excellent…

The Chasm at the Edge of Eternity

The Chasm at the Edge of Eternity

When I opened Randy Alcorn’s latest book, The Chasm: A Journey to the Edge of Life, I had some idea of what I’d find. The Chasm, I knew, would be the gulf that separates us from God — and the bridge over it, the Cross.

But The Chasm is a lot more than just a little book expounding on that apt illustration. It is a modern-day version of Pilgrim’s Progress in the style of Lewis, Tolkien, and Peretti…

Books About Books

Books About Books

I have a special section for them on my bookshelves: books about books. As if I don’t have enough books already, I have books full of more book titles to find!

There’s Books Children Love: A Guide to the Best Children’s Literature by Elizabeth Wilson. And of course, Jim Trelease’s ever-popular The Read-Aloud Handbook, along with Terry Glaspey’s Book Lover’s Guide to Great Reading: A Guided Tour of Classic & Contemporary Literature…

The End.

The End.