Spoken Identity

Spoken Identity

Spoken identity is changing the perception of someone from an under role to one of great importance.

Is this not what the Lord does for us? Breathes life, character, identity, being, and importance into us – HIS creation?

As representatives of the Creator, can we do this for others? Do this outside of the costume room – from life’s backstage?

From the Editor’s Heart

From the Editor’s Heart

When I was a little girl, I was afraid of the dark. I always had to have a night light in my bedroom. My young siblings are the same way, calling out every night, “Leave the hall light on and my door open!” Last fall I began reading Stormie Omartian’s book Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On, and I realized that I’m still afraid of the dark—but in a different way. I’m afraid when I can’t see ahead in my life…

The End.

The End.