So you’re graduating!
by Betsy Castleberry
The grass has turned green, tulips and daffodils are blooming, and the class of 2009 is graduating! My brother is among the graduate pictures on our refrigerator this year. It’s an exciting time, as you close a chapter and turn a new page, wondering what the next season of life will hold.
Yet with the graduating comes the age old question – “What are you going to do now?” Everyone asks you the same question, from friends and relatives to the cashier at the grocery store. It can be hard to know how to answer, especially for those of us who want to get married and don’t really desire a career.
You’ve finished high school, and now you move into the transition period between graduating and marriage. How should you use your time while you wait? It seems everyone but you knows exactly what you should do. You should go to college – you’re smart and should use your talent. Or you should get a job. How about a mission’s trip, or volunteer work? Maybe you should work in the home. It’s enough to leave your head spinning, but can I add my small word of advice?
Don’t do something simply because someone pressures you, or because you feel if you don’t decide on something the moment you graduate, you are wasting your time. It’s perfectly fine to graduate without knowing what you’re doing next. Isn’t that freeing? Why is it we want God to be on the world’s time line and to show us what we should do the day we turn eighteen? There is nothing wrong with telling everyone that you’re waiting for the Lord to give direction. It shows wisdom and a heart that truly wants the Lord’s will instead of satisfying the world.
Perhaps God has opened doors and shown the way ahead already, so that you know what you’ll be doing after you graduate. You may face opposition from people who don’t think you’re making the right choice, or try to persuade you otherwise. Yet if you truly feel God is leading you, follow Him with all your heart! I love what Chuck Swindoll says. “My job is not to defend or explain the will of God. My job is simply to obey it.” We don’t have to worry about others understanding or supporting us in what we do. If it’s His will, we simply obey.
“In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and His shall direct thy path.” (Proverbs 3:6) God blesses the heart that seeks to do His will.
Thank you for the reminder and encouragement… it is a difficult period of life (between graduation and marriage), but it is also very exciting to see the Lord working in our lives and ourselves! 馃檪 Unfortunately, I tend to feel that I need to ‘explain away my life’ – or give a reason for being here. This is a good reminder that the reason we’re here is to glorify God! 馃檪
Thank You for posting Betsy.
I’m currently am still in college, my second year but first semester of it.
I don’t know what I’m gonna do next semester? In a way I feel like I’ve already made my decision and going to ‘drop out’ for a particular reason: being that of I’m not very passionate about it at all right now…. and mom just wants me to stay in for another reason.
She’s very scared for me if I decide to quit…
But in another aspect of things, I gotta do what’s right for me, not for others, even if that other person is my mom. So in doing what’s right for me, I’m also trying to see God’s way about it, or I guess get a feel for it since I’m still learning how to be answered by Him?
All I know right now is:
1. I definitely would like my faith to be lots stronger!!
2. I’d like to provide financially for myself, even that if does mean working 2 jobs…. which I’m not sure how that’d work?
3. idk… there’s just lots and lots more.
but i just dont wanna be in skl for another couple of years! Especially if the work isn’t exciting to me.
I’m not graduating or going through any obvious outward changes but still… I’m wondering where I’m headed. This post has really encouraged me to trust God through changes, big or small, no matter what.
Thank you so much! 馃檪
This is such a blessing to read! I’m about to graduate and I was starting to get that scared feeling like I didn’t know what to do. The whole college thing was weighing heavy on me. But now the Lord has shown me that right here in my home is where He is calling me to be. I am starting to feel so content now!
What a great post! I graduated from our home school high-school 4 years ago and I still get asked why I’m not in college… I answer that I’m very busy at home, helping with the farming; milking cows; babysitting for neighbors; and baking and decorating cakes and they still look at me like I’m wasting my time without doing something “Really” important. I don’t know about others, but I view helping other people and raising food for the world as important work!
God has blessed me here and I feel that this is where He wants me for the time being. He has a plan for my life, so I think I’ll listen to the one who knows everything–instead of most everyone else who has plans for me, but can’t see the big picture… I pray for you to have the courage today to do what you feel He is calling you to!
Thank you for your comment Cora! It sounds like you’re doing basically what I am right now — staying busy at home on a farm. I too love milking cows, gardening, baking — life is full! We can know we aren’t wasting our years if we’re doing what we feel God has for us right now. God bless you!
Very true, that is a tough time to go through. I remember those days well. Don’t worry, God will show you in his time. Just be patient 馃榾
What a timely reminder of truth! Thank you so much for writing it!
I struggled a lot with what to DO after my high school graduation, but I think that God used that struggle to show me more of who He wanted me to BE! God will always be faithful and He will always come through for you!
I can’t thank you enough for this post! What a wonderful encouragement. It was also great to hear that I’m not the only one that you are talking to that is not going off getting a job or going to college! Thanks!
Encouraging post, thanks for sharing it.
I think this advice can be applied to finishing college as well! I chose to spend senior year putting all my efforts into my classes, friends, church, etc, because I knew I would be leaving that town after graduation. I did not spend any time looking for a job or applying to grad school. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I simply did not have the time to spare, and I felt strongly that God was calling me to drink in those precious few moments in that place. I have always felt that “I don’t know” is a perfectly legitimate answer in regards to the future.