
Praying for Your Future Husband

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which won’t change your price.

It’s not a big secret that I’ve been praying for my future husband for years. That’s one reason why I was thrilled when I was given the opportunity to review a book called Praying for Your Future Husband. It’s a short, sweet book by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer.  These two women have prayed for their future husbands and have written books for girls in which the heroines prayed for their future husbands.  Both women have also prayed and are praying, still, for their daughters’ future husbands.

Praying for Your Future Husband is a powerful book that may light a stick of spiritual dynamite under your heart as you read and ponder how you can pray – or pray better – for your future husband.

“When your heart connects through prayers to the One who is the source of true love, you’ll find that praying for your future husband will wondrously result in your heart being changed. And when your heart is changed, your life is transformed.”
(Praying for Your Future Husband)

Praying for Your Future Husband is good – very good.  I think it’s written for teens and I suspect it’s also written for girls who date, but that isn’t a good reason why a twenty-something girl who prefers the idea of courting to dating shouldn’t read the book. Why? Because Robin and Tricia are writing from their hearts and their stories – writing just to encourage the girls of this generation to pray for the guys they’re going to marry. They’re honest. They’re funny. And they’re both convicting and inspiring.

Part of me wishes I’d read this book ten or fifteen years ago and part of me hopes I’ll have a daughter someday and she’ll read it when we’re praying, together, for her future husband. Praying for Your Future Husband is subtitled Preparing Your Heart for His and it’s a lovely touch – the combining of encouragement to pray for that unknown man, and for your own heart.

What girl can’t feel encouraged to pray when she reads a book that prompts her to pray…

  • …for His Heart
  • …that He Will Be a God Lover (a lover of God)
  • …for Patience
  • …for Understanding
  • …for Trust
  • …for Loyalty and Faithfulness
  • …for Strength
  • …for Protection
  • …for Intimacy
  • …for “The List” (the list of things a girl wants her future husband to be)
  • …for Contentment
  • …for Commitment

But Praying for Your Future Husband is more than a prayer list. Each of the items on this “list” is a chapter in the book. Robin and Tricia tell their stories. They invite the reader to draw parallels to her own life. They provide a prayer for a girl to pray for her future husband and another prayer to pray for her own heart. And then they provide a space for personal thoughts and a list of questions to ponder and discuss. There are Bible verses and inspirational quotes sprinkled throughout the chapters. And there are stories – there are lots and lots and lots of stories. They’re all told by a girl – a girl just like me (or you) – and they tell how she prayed and God answered her prayers for her future husband in wonderful ways.

"What sort of changes will God bring about in the life of your future husband as a result of your praying for him now? We don't know. As you pray for him, what sort of changes will God initiate in your heart? We don't know that either. But we do know there's only one way to find out." (Praying for Your Future Husband)

Mrs. Gunn and Mrs. Goyer – both happily married for decades – don’t forget to address the issue of singleness. Does praying for my future husband guarantee that he’s out there somewhere? Well, no, Robin and Tricia make it clear that prayer isn’t a way of demanding the things we pray for, but is “an extraordinary mystery”.

One of the stories is narrated by a woman who didn’t marry until she was in her forties. And another is by a woman in her thirties who dreams of children’s car seats in the back of her car, who shares her heart and her story as she prays for her future husband and…waits. Mrs. Gunn and Mrs. Goyer encourage their readers to realize that, “He created us, and He desires the best for us. God always gives His best to those who leave the outcomes to Him.”

Secure in that wonderful fact, what can we do, but pray…?

Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer don’t just tell us to pray, they invite us to pray. They provide a list, at the end of the book, of 52 ways for a girl to pray for her future husband – each one motivated by a Bible verse. And they explore the “why” and the “how” simply, clearly and in such a full-of-faith way that it’s inspiring.

“What sort of changes will God bring about in the life of your future husband as a result of your praying for him now? We don’t know. As you pray for him, what sort of changes will God initiate in your heart? We don’t know that either. But we do know there’s only one way to find out.”
(Praying for Your Future Husband)

Praying for Your Future Husband has renewed my vision to pray for my future husband and I’m sure it’ll do the same for any girl who reads the book.

(originally published in 2011)

Photography: JenniMarie Photography


  1. I have a group of ladies, some married, some patiently waiting for their future husband, of whom I have started a Marco Polo group with, and we read books such as this. This book will definitely go on my list of books to read. Right now we are going through Raising Maidens of Virtue. I’m truly amazed at how God is using this group.

  2. I would absolutely most certainly LOVE to win this book!!!!!!!=D One of the things i pray for in my future husband is that he will be a Godly leader and a man after Gods own heart.

  3. This sounds like a good book! Thanks for offering it. I am praying that my man will be serving Christ with all his heart & be trusting God to supply his needs.

  4. Oh, a contest! I enjoy reading books like this one.

    One of the things on my list is that my future husband will save himself for me. I also pray that he is a Godly man.

    Right now I pray for God to help him through his daily life and through whatever struggles he may be facing.

    Thank you for having this contest! <3

  5. I would love to read this book, and I would love to enter this contest!

    I’m going to be 20 years old this month, and for some reason, I keep praying about my future husband. Once when I was 14, our pastor told us to pray for our future spouses and that our number one, top commitment before our future spouse should be God and His relationship with us. From 14 to 16, I earnestly prayed to God about my future spouse and what he should be like… but then later I started to give up on praying about my future husband because I was afraid and my faith in God was shaking. I was just about to give up on God but I was wrong, and God never gave up on me no matter what.

    The point is, our God is wonderful, and He blessed His children no matter what comes in our way. He wants to give us so much, and glorify His works through us, which is the ultimate and wonderful blessing and glory. I always thank my Lord for all that He’s given us, so I’m not afraid of whatever will come my way.

    Thank you so much for this opportunity 😀

  6. I am excited about this book!
    Among the different things I pray about concerning my future husband is that he would be godly and truly the know the Lord in a personal way.
    Thank you for this post!

  7. As a divorced woman who also made some bad dating decisions, I pray that should I marry again, my husband is a man after God’s own heart and a strong spiritual leader.

  8. I have wanted to read this book since I heard about it!! And I love Robin Jones Gunn!:)

    I pray that my future husband is seeking to grow closer to God every day.

  9. I always pray that he will have “eyes to see and ears to hear” his Lord and Master no matter what may be going on in his life.

  10. This sounds like a great book!

    Several things that I pray for my future husband: That he and I would be united in vision even now, before we know each other; that God would grant him strength to do what is right and wisdom in the many decisions he must make; that he would be a man after God’s own heart, totally sold out for God; that God would guide and direct both of our paths and bring us together in His own good timing.

  11. Thanks for doing this giveaway! I’d really like to read this book!
    One of my prayers for my future husband (apart from being a godly man!), is that he would also be a man of strength and a strong leader.
    Thank you for all the encouragement you share on this site!

  12. Would love to be entered! One of my prayers is that he will be a strong manly leader who loves and puts God first above all else! Thankyou for this giveaway!

  13. Would love to read this book! I pray that he would be molded into a mighty warrior for God & that he would have much courage!

  14. I would love to enter this drawing. It sounds like a really encouraging book.

    I pray for my future husband all the things I pray for my brothers. That he will be a mighty man of God, that he will grow in the Lord daily, that he will be strengthened by the Lord, that he will have wisdom, compassion for others, and so, so much more. 🙂

    Everything that my loved ones go through he could be going through too. There is no end of things to pray for him about.

  15. I always pray that God will continue to mold him to become a man after his own heart, and that God will continue to meet all his needs, both physical, spiritual and emotional. I also pray that God keeps his heart pure and clean, and only for me. 😀 I pray that our relationship will be a reflection of God’s love, be a testimony that God still writes the best love stories and that we will be partners in ministry for God’s glory.

  16. I have been praying for my future husband for a while, but I would like to be more faithful in this area. We all desire a godly husband, of course, so the thing I want share off my “list” is that he would be fluent in spanish. 😉

  17. I pray that my futur husband could be a “Joseph”. Joseph is one of my favorite character of the Bible. Through various trials, God prepared him to become the future leader of Egypt. He refuse to compromise his beliefs and choose to remain faithful to his God. Because of his faithfulness, God use him to bless his family and Egypt. I pray that God may grant my future husband the strength to live a life of integrity, to remain faithful to God no matter what and may God use him to be a blessing for others.

  18. When I think to pray for my husband, I always ask Abba that I my future husband and I will be best friends on this earth and the one to come. I pray for his salvation. What i’ve realized about marriage from the various blogs and stories on YLCF is that in the end marriage is a partnership in the journey towards Heaven…nothing else really matters in the end- its all about our relationship with Christ- so I pray that my husband’s salvation is sure. (plz include me in the entry, :o) )

  19. I pray for my future husband regularly, but I would love to win this book and learn how to better do so! Thanks for the opportunity to win (and the review was a delightful read)!

    One of the things that I pray for my FH is that he would have a heart that is faithful and true. In other words, I would have him to be a man of integrity and a warrior for truth in this generation where we often accept less. Encouraged by the “list” compiled by the others who have commented above!!



  20. I would love to enter this giveaway! I have really been wanting to read this book!
    Something I’m praying for is a Godly future husband and someone who wants children!!

  21. There are many things I think about when praying about my future husband, but the ONE thing that is on my list is that my companion be a Friend of God. Just like Abraham walked with God, I pray for a prince who delights in doing the Lord’s will, and whose thoughts and intentions are guided by the Most High.

  22. I LOVE the idea of this book! Thanks for sharing those thoughts.

    I’ve been praying for my future husband, that the Lord will support and bless him in his life and ministry while we are apart, and that God will bless us as a team in ministry when we are together. I hope, especially, that he will share my passion for children’s ministry.

  23. I would love to win this book. I ask my mom all the time “I wonder what my future husband is doing right now”. Her response usually is “being taught to be a man of God”. I pray for my husband to Be Christ Like. And to love his future family with all his heart. I pray so many things for him though. Purity is also #1. I would love it if I could remain home and be a homemaker and homeschool my children.

  24. I pray for him to be a faithful servant of the Lord ─ a promising father whom I can godly nourish my future children with and a loving husband whom I can trust in walking the way our God wants us to take in our marriage.

  25. I pray for his purity. That he would have the strength to overcome the tempations and images the world constatly throws at him.

  26. I’m delighted to see this book, as I’ve done something along these lines with my mom’s copy of “power of a praying wife” by Stormie Ortmartain.
    Some prayers would be that he uses the Bible as his guide, is interested in foster parenting and anything else that God thinks I need in a husband 🙂

  27. Thank-you for holding this contest, I would love to read this book!
    First and foremost, I pray that my future husband will be a strong spiritual leader in our home. Other than wanting the usual, but very important charateristics of responsibility, courtesy, and things like that, I pray that my husband will be able to make me laugh. One day in the future I want to be able to wake up every morning and know that I will be able to smile and laugh with “the one” God made for me.

  28. My greatest desire and prayer for my future husband is that he be a godly man, that he love Jesus more than I. Please include me in the giveaway, it sounds like a great book!

  29. I too would like to be entered in the drawing.

    Beyond praying for a Godly husband who will be the spiritual leader of our home, I pray for a man who is passionate about homeschooling any children the Lord may give us, if that is what He calls us to do.

  30. I have been praying for my future husband for quite a while now, but getting some direction and encouragement would be absolutely wonderful!

    To be honest I really think only God knows my true desires and needs in a husband. And that’s what I pray for on my “list”. That God, who knows me more than I even know myself will bring the one who I long to have as my partner for life.

  31. Ooh! Excited about this contest! 🙂

    I would pray that we both have the courage to stand firm against the devil’s attempts to destroy marriage, that we use wisdom and grace from above in our decisions, and that we seek God because of Who He is, with all sincerity and authenticity.


  32. I would like to enter this contest.

    The biggest thing that I have been praying about for my future husband is that he would be a man of God and puts God first in everything. Also, that he would be more concerned at this point about strengthening his relationship with God rather than just seeking an earthly relationship.

  33. It is just this year that the Lord has burdened me to seriously pray for my furture husband.

    The biggest thing I have been burdened to pray for him about is that he would have wisdom and discernment to follow the Lord’s prefect will for his life, even in all the tiny areas. If he is walking closely with the Lord, then he will be a wonderful husband, father, and man of God!!!

  34. I would LOVE to win this book! I find that I am struggling more beginning college than high school in terms of wanting a guy in my life. I am continually praying for the strength to wait on the LORD. Mainly, what I want in my future husband, other than being taller than me ;), is a man who is not afraid to raise his hands and voice in worship with me

    Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!

  35. I pray that he knows his Creator intimately and that He is constantly in close communication with God so that He may be transforming him day-by-day into the man He needs him to be in our marriage. But above all: that he will love Jesus more than he loves me.

  36. For a long time now, I have prayed for a man who will love God more than He will love me. Initially, I realize that that may seem like a strange request. But really, if a man loves God supremely, will he not also love his wife in the way God has commanded?

    Scripture admonishes men to love their wives as Christ loves the church: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it;That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:25-27).” Think about that awesome command! But if a man truly loves God and desires to please Him, he will love his wife as Scripture teaches.

    In short, I pray for a man who loves God and has a single-minded focus on serving Him.

  37. I pray for a man who seeks to love me like Christ loves the church but more importantly a man who seeks to glorify God and keeps His commandments in any way he can in all areas of his life.

    John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

  38. I pray that my husband will be a strong christian leader, hopefully a Pastor or a Missionary.
    I also pray that he will have a character quality that I admire in my Dad and brothers, 6 in all.

  39. I’ve seen this book advertised. I don’t pray for my [future] husband on a regular basis, but mostly [when I think of it], I ask God to keep him faithful to Himself.

  40. I have just started within the last several months praying for him. I had just never thought about it before, when a friend of mine mentioned that she prayed for her future husband on a regular basis. I thought it was great idea, and have been praying ever since! I am excited to one day possibly hear how God impacted him through my prayers!
    One of the things I pray for is that he will experience love like no other; the love of Jesus. I pray that he over flows with the love of the Lord! So that he can one day love me, as God has been teaching me you cannot give something until you have first received it. I know that he cannot love me fully until he has been loved fully. I have the same prayer for myself, so that I can one day love him second only to God. I also pray that he prays for me.

  41. Praying for my future husband is a very new concept for me (having first learned about it in Debi Pearl’s Preparing to be a Help Meet) so it’s not a foremost thing for me in my prayers, as (maybe) unfortunately I tend to not think about it! However, when I do, I pray that [not quite sure how to put this into words] His relationship with God may be continually cultivated into something strong and beautiful; in short, that He leads a Godly life and that the Lord remains first in his life.

  42. I think this looks like a wonderful book!
    one of the things that I pray for my future husband is that he will guard the purity of his heart and that his whole focus will be chasing after the Lord and growing in his relationship with HIm.

  43. I would love to read this book. It would help me so much!

    When I pray for my future husband I pray that he will be a truly godly man and love God above all else, that he will be strong and hopefully have a heart for youth ministry and missions like I do. I also pray for his protection.

  44. My best friend informed me of this contest, the book seems really interesting and clear. And of course, like all, I’d like to win…

    Well, when I pray for my future husband, my prayer begins with a thanksgiving to God for giving us (him and me) one more day of life, for allowing us to present ourselves everyday into His presence, I also ask God that bless his ministry, to give him wisdom for today and the rest of his life, that I become a virtuous woman, that I become honor for him and that He (God) continue molding my character to be worthy of him (of my future husband).

    * sigh *

    “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6 (NIV)

    God is good and faithful 🙂

  45. Some of the things I frequently pray for my future husband are that he would love God and His Word more than anyone or anything else – even his own life; that he would be a strong, godly leader for me and our children; that God would turn his heart toward me and mine toward his, and we may know with certainty that God is drawing us together. 🙂

  46. My husband to be is something I’ve prayed for for years – but one thing I’ve added to my list recently, it may sound silly…..but that my husband will love the Lord more than he loves me.
    Thanks for offering this give away!

  47. Thanks for the encouragement to pray for our future husbands!

    I pray for my future husband often, asking God to protect our hearts before marriage and to build in each of us a strong desire to know God and to seek Him with all our hearts. I pray that my husband would be one who is serious about living for God every day of His life, even if it means risking his very life for the sake of the gospel.

  48. One thing I’ve prayed for is that he would love,accept and respect my family.
    and treat me gently.
    Would love to read the book .

  49. To be honest, I don’t regularly pray for my future husband. It’s more an event of the more desperate days or when my mind isn’t staying in the right place. Confronted by my sins and shortcomings, I’ve found myself often pleading with God for a man who is forgiving. The intense beauty of God’s forgiveness and the importance of forgiveness in human relationships has been more apparent to me recently,

  50. Sounds like a great book!

    One thing I pray for my future husband a lot for right now is for direction, that God will lead him in the way he should go, since he’s probably in a time of life when a lot of life/career decisions are made. I also pray for patience, for him and for me!

  51. Something I pray for my future husband is that he would have a heart fully yielded to the Lord.

    Thank you for the opportunity to recieve a copy of this book!

  52. I would love to enter this drawing!! I am praying that my husband loves God as much as I do, and that he lives for God everyday.

  53. What a wonderful book! I’d love to enter =)

    I’ve been praying for my future husband for a while! The thing I pray about most is commitment…I’ve heard of many guys who are just not commiting, and I don’t want to be that girl who’s left behind because of an un-commiting guys. I also want him to be really close to his Lord, and have a solid relationship with Him!!

    Thanks for this giveaway! Good luck to the contestants!


  54. I would love to be entered!

    One thing I pray for my future husband is that he will be a Godly man, walking closely with the Lord and not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right. (Okay, so maybe that’s more than one thing….)

  55. I just saw this and would really like a copy!

    I want “my man’s” heart to be so lost in God that I must seek ‘HIM’ (God) in order to find ‘him’ (my future husband)…

  56. I would definitely like to enter!

    There are so many things I pray for for my future husband…the one prayer that goes up most frequently for him is that he would flee from temptation. Oh, the devil is so ready and willingly to trip up God’s saints…my future husband needs my prayers in that area so much and so does yours. I want my husband to flee just like Joseph did! God is faithful.

  57. After praying that he would be a Christian and have similar beliefs… one of the items that I pray for is that he would be a strong and courageous leader.

  58. I would love to enter! 🙂
    Just one of the things I pray for in my future husband, is that he is a man that loves God more than anyone or anything (even me! But, I would definitely like to be loved next :)).

      1. I am currently in the Dominican Republic and it’s listed among the countries they deliver too. I would love to participate. Do you only have 2 books to give away?

  59. Would really like to read those stories! One thing that is on my list, that is being prayed for my F.H., is that he be compassionate and loving.

  60. On my list of things that I’m praying for my future husband to be… One desire is that he’ll treat others as he wants to be treated. That he’ll have a heart for people who are hurting in this world.

  61. Hello! Thanks for putting on this giveaway. I’d love to enter.

    I prayed just today that my future husband, who, of course, must first be a child of God, would also like to study God’s word. Then he will better be able to lead our future family. “Study to show thyselves approved workmen…”

  62. One of the things I pray for in my future husband is that he will have a heart like Jesus. That he will constantly desire to grow in God just like David did and in turn becomes a man after God’s heart.

  63. My ‘list’ isn’t constant, but I most often pray that wherever he is, his heart is fascinated by God, and his focus is on Him.

  64. actually im started to pray for my future husband when i was 16… i prayed that he will be like david, that God called him “a man after God’s own heart and he will be a good father and husband.

  65. Well, one of the things I’ve been inspired to pray for lately, has to do with this quote (amusing though it is – I’ve taken it somewhat seriously :)).

    “One day my prince charming WILL come. He just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.”

    I pray that my future husband will be humble enough to admit when he needs help, and to always remember that God is there for him.

  66. This seems like an interesting read! 😀 I’m a fan of Robin Jones Gunn and I’d love to read what she and Mrs. Goyer have to say about this.

    One thing I pray about is that my future spouse would have the same mission and vision in life as I do–to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and in excellence wherever His calling may be.

  67. One of the things I pray for is that he, (and I!) will have a strong, sold-out, vibrant love for Christ. And for my future husband’s purity, that he will be strong in a culture that is bombarded with impurity at every turn.

  68. A friend who is also our local school chaplain, just recently sent me your website, you see I have 5 Daughters and 1 Son. I am currently having concerns about my two older daughter which are 16 and 13. They are beautiful girls and my husband and I pray for all our children each and everyday. I believe that God answers prayers sometimes not where you are currently looking for answers. I am so glad that there is a book out there that I can get, that both my daughters, my husband and myself can use that is directed at praying for that particular area in there lives. I am entering this competition and if I am unsuccessful I am still very grateful for the information and I will buy this book. I have only been reading your website for the past couple of days and I think it is a fantastic powerful weapon for the enemy that our children face everyday. Thank you. I will be enjoying it more and my daughters will be too. I will be passing this website on to all my friends who have young daughters that need better role models, here in Australia we are lacking in that area as well. Have a wonderful day
    God Bless

  69. I only pray that the Lord will bless him and keep him and draw him ever closer to himself. It’s a prayer to pray for ourselves and all our loved ones, because we need His strength and power in our lives completely no matter what.

  70. Looks like a wonderful book.
    I pray that may future husband (Lord willing) is a man who is not just willing to take initiative but does take initiative, as a leader, always ready to do what would please God.

  71. Sounds like an excellent book!

    I pray that my future husband will have wisdom in making decisions. I know that the decisions he makes right now will influence his life later on, which eventually will influence my life!

  72. One thing I’m praying for my future husband is that he has an extraordinary spirit like Daniel’s – that he would so trust in God that no harm is found on him, even in the “lions’ den” experiences of his life. I’m so challenged Daniel’s purity and absolute allegiance to his God, and I pray that my future husband would be too!

  73. I pray that my future husband would be sold out for Christ and that God would give him the courage to be a godly leader.
    This is the first i heard about this book, but its of great interest to me. I have been praying for my future husband for the last 7 years!
    God’s blessings to you for doing this give away ~ Rachel

  74. I have wanted to get this book.
    I pray that he will be a man loves God with all his heart and that he will always strive to get to know God better.

  75. One of the things I pray most for my future husband is that he will stay pure and that God will strengthen him to face any challenges he may encounter – in that area or any other. I must admit, as I was reading the other responses, it gave me a lot of ideas of things I should begin praying for! I will definitely have to make a list, so I can remember them. Thank you ladies, for your responses…they’re very challenging to me!

  76. I am so excited about this book! I have been working through Stormie OMartain’s book “The Power of a Praying Wife” and loving it! What a great idea to have a book reworded and in the context of praying for your future husband! There are many things that I pray for for my (future) husband- but I guess one of the main things is for his walk with the Lord to be one of closer intimacy with Him- that grows every day!


  77. I too have been praying for my future husband for years. Mostly I pray that He will love the Lord with all of his heart!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  78. This book looks really good! 🙂

    One thing that I pray most for in my future husband (Lord willing) is that the Lord would be preparing him to be a godly leader and head of his (future) household, and that he would be seeking to serve and glorify the Lord in every area of his life.

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  79. Who ever thought there would be a book on this?! Wonderful- I’m sure it will be inspiring.
    I meet with a few young teens a couple times a month and we have been discussing a book. Even discussing this topic would be beneficial. I have been praying for my future husband
    for awhile; sometimes God lays a specific burden on my heart to pray about for him.
    Never underestimate the power of prayer.
    He always answers.
    Just not like we always want Him to. 🙂

  80. wow. Sounds like a great book! i pray that my future husband will be passionate about the power of the grace of God to change lives.

  81. I’d love to read this book! It looks so good!

    I’ve been praying for my future husband for a while…one thing I really have been praying for is for a man who wants to turn the world upside down for Christ, a man with a passion for God and defending the truth.

  82. I would like to enter the drawing and the 1 thing that is on my “list” is that my future husband will have a fierce love for the Word of God !

  83. Whenever I pray (and I do, often) for him, I also pray for me. If I pray that he would be a righteous godly man, putting God before all others…I pray that I too would do the same. That he would be strengthened and encouraged in whatever he is currently facing.

  84. I’ve never heard of this book before, but it looks really good!

    The main thing I pray for in my husband is that he would be a man after God’s own heart – someone who, yes, will make mistakes, but has a tender heart toward the things of God; willing to learn and always ready to repent.

  85. I’d love to add this to my personal library! I pray for any man who enters my life (in courtship and, after that, marriage) to be spiritually mature and maturing, that we would have the same views on theological points such as baptism and communion, and that he would like to live in middle TN (not necessary, of course, just preferred.). 😉

  86. I pray for my daughters to marry Godly men. Thank you for entering me in the contest. I would love to read this book with my teenage daughters.

    Sweet Blessings,

  87. I’d like to be entered in the giveaway.

    When I pray for my future husband, I ask that he would love the Lord with all his heart and soul, mind and strength. Also that he’d find me soon, because “he who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord” (Prov. 18:22).

  88. Wow It looks like such a great book! I’d LOVE to read it! well, when praying for my future husband I ask God to draw him closer to Himself every single day. I think that’s all my fut. husband needs…a strong realtionship with Christ. 🙂

  89. I pray that the words of his mouth, the meditation of his heart, and the works of his hands would be acceptable in the sight of the Lord, and that he would increase in his capacity to love the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength.

  90. I pray that my future husband would be in the world but not OF the world. That HE would love God and obey what His Word says, no matter if it looks weird or “uncool” to everyone else. Especially when it comes to taking a stand for righteousness in this world that is constantly bombarding us with horrible messages through our media, entertainment, music, magazines, internet, clothing, etc.. that he would be SO in love with Jesus that when he sees things that aren’t pleasing to the Lord they would repulsive to him. 🙂

  91. Hi! My name is Becca (Rebecca) and I am a young teenage girl. Recently I have started a prayer box just like your wonderful book, LYB suggested, and the devotional! I have found that doing so is so freeing because whenever I write down a prayer and slip it into the box tucked inside my dresser; I remember that I need to look to Jesus and keep praying for my future guy. I also made a list, quite a long list, of qualties I would like in my future husband. Since you said to put down one thing, though, I will just say this:

    One thing I pray for is that my future husband would love Jesus first above all else, even me.

    I can’t wait to finally meet the wonderful man Jesus has for me one day!! On our wedding night, I plan to give him this box full of prayers lifted up for him all those years ago..

    I would also love this book because I would love to know how I can better pray for my future spouse, and I think it would be a huge encouragment.

  92. I would love to be entered!

    I pray that he is above all, a child of God and puts God first in his life. And most importantly, he is always willing to listen to God and pray about important decisions before making them!

  93. I would love to be entered in the contest.

    What do I pray for in my future husband? That he would know God, be immersed in His Word, and make all decisions based on that. Also, that he would be okay with natural health and have a sense of humor.

  94. When praying for my future husband I pray that he would be seeking after the Lord, and wanting to do what God has called him to. I also pray that his calling would also be in missions, since that’s where I feel I’m called. I pray that God brings us together in His timing, and that he is also praying for me. :]

  95. This looks like such a great book! It seems like too often when I’m praying for my husband, I’m at a loss for what to pray. But something I do often pray is that God will grow him into a strong leader and that he will learn to have a radical faith. Thanks so much for this give-away!!

  96. I’ve been wanting to read this book for so long.

    One of the things on my list is that he will love God above all else. Even me because then i know i will be loved. And also that he will love some of the things that i love =D.

  97. Thanks for holding this give away! I would love to enter 🙂

    One thing that I pray for my husband is that he would be growing into a godly leader.

  98. I’d love to enter this contest please.

    One thing that I always make sure to pray for my future husband about is what God has shown me. That what I believe and know to be what God’s shown me about my future husband to be as vibrant as God makes it out to be. One thing He’s shown me is that my future husband is to be very creative. I constantly pray to Poppa, asking Him to help build that up in my future husband.

    I am currently dating a Christian fantasy writer (kind of like C.S. Lewis style) and boy has God shown the creativity in him. Even if who I am dating right now is not my future husband (but he and I are both pretty sure he is) I still go to God in prayer over the massive creativity that He has placed in my future husband.

  99. I work with children and teens from an underprivileged community in South Africa. It is so difficult and sad to see how early kids are dating (and more) these days. I would love to read our teen girls this book. I would also love to read it myself! I want a husband who loves God even more than I do, loves my family, loves sport and wants to live close to the beach!

  100. I’ve been praying for my future husband for a quite a while, but would LOVE some more direction on how exactly to pray! This book looks wonderful!

    I’ve felt that I should be praying for a specific young man in my church for about 1 1/2 years (though I have no idea if he will be my future husband or not!). One of the ways I pray for him is that God would guard his thoughts & eyes. He is a Godly man, but in our world today, there is so much against the men who strive to have pure hearts & minds.

  101. I’ve been wanting to read this book!

    I pray first and foremost that my husband would be a godly, growing man. After that, that he would value family highly… and enjoy traveling 😉 .

  102. My daughter was at the bookstore waiting for Robin Gunn’s latest book when she was a child. Now, she is an adult and no longer believes in God. But, she has been searching for her husband since she was in preschool.

    I dont’ know if she will read this book or not. But, it is worth a try. I am 60 yrs old and have often wondered about how to pray for my future husband if there is one in my future.

    I thought I knew what love was once I became a Christian. I also thought I was ready for marriage. Wrong. I made several bad choices from men who did the bait and switch thing. They went to church with me and prayed with me before I married them. Once I married them, laughed at me when I suggested we ask God about big decisions first and also told me they didnt’ believe in God but mocked him.

    So, although I have not read this book myself. I do want to encourage those who are just starting out to read this book.

  103. I would like to be entered in this drawing.

    As to what I pray when I pray for my future husband – mostly I pray that God would bring the one HE wants me to have. But as far as characteristics? That he would love God and family. That is my greatest desire.

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