
Hind's Feet on High PlacesMost people may never know, because I can make a brave face when I need to. But I think you should know that deep inside, I am Much-Afraid.

I’m not afraid of dark nights, or big storms. I’m not afraid of being home alone or even of poverty. I am not afraid to stand my ground when I need to. Sure, I have a couple irrational and silly fears — like being on a roof peak or walking on a tall, swaying foot bridge, like driving in big city traffic and talking to strangers. But I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the fears inside that few understand, and that most people never even know exist. The ones that often keep me back, that make me stumble and fumble and make me long for straight feet and a stronger heart.

It was when I was still very much a child that I started to realize where my fears came from and what they were. I wasn’t afraid of the journey, the hardships or the conflicts so much as I was afraid of failure, rejection, disappointment and defeat. It was subconsciously much easier not to try than to have to say that I couldn’t make it. I was afraid of the unknowns, of the things that I couldn’t plan for.

I was 14 when my childhood best friend handed me a copy of Hind’s Feet on High Places to borrow. I read Much-Afraid’s story for the first time, and I also read much of my own.

My stumbling feet, my fearful heart, and the journey that God had chosen for my life sometimes feels a lot like the journey that the Shepherd planned for Much-Afraid. There were deserts that seemed to lead far away from the life I thought I was called to and there are journeys by the sea of loneliness. There are altars on which to sacrifice my stubborn pride and my dreams, to let Him change my Much-Afraid heart into “Acceptance with Joy”.

It is a long journey. Much-Afraid wasn’t changed from a fearful cripple and given hind’s feet overnight. And even though I am not so afraid as I used to be, I think I’ll be battling my fears every step of this journey. Like Much-Afraid, with each new step of the journey, it is about choosing to let go of fear, and to trust that His way is perfect. It is learning to trust His will and His way in the endless desert and by the lonely sea. It is in the valley that we come to trust Him on the heights of the mountains.

Our Shepherd delights in taking our weaknesses and turning it into strength. He loves to make Much-Afraids into Acceptance with Joy, into Grace and Glory, into one who is no longer afraid.

My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.

For each one of us Much-Afraids, this promise is for us. Believe it, count on it, and live your life like it is real. Because it is.

Even if fear is not your greatest struggle, there are so many precious lessons and promises tucked way in this book that I think everyone should read it at least once.

If you have never read  Hind’s Feet on High Places, here’s your chance — the Young Ladies Christian Fellowship is giving away a gently used copy.  To enter, please comment to share a promise that helps you to fight your own fears in this life and tell us why it is meaningful to you. (This giveaway will end on March 19.  Congratulations to commenter #8 — Naomi — for winning a copy!)


  1. It helps me to remember that it is God who gives us assignments. He does not expect us to determine the outcome of our endeavors, that’s His part. When we do our part, He will take care of the rest. There’s not guilt, no shame, no fear of failure. 馃檪

  2. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” In coping with fear, it is comforting to know that God will be right there by my side holding my hand.

    When Jason and I were down in California, he wanted me to crawl under the car and try to figure out what was causing the antifreeze to leak. So I inched my way under there, and then suddenly I panicked! (I have a fear of tight spaces). I knew Jason was still there and in my right mind, I knew I was okay. But in that moment, I cried because I was apparently afraid that the car was going to crush me (even though that was highly unlikely). Reaching my hand out, I asked Jason to hold my hand. Immediately, I felt safe with my hand in his.

    I tangibly related that incidence to my fears relating to fighting “the good fight of faith.” It’s as if God takes my hand in His and says “I’m here. Do not be afraid. I will never leave your side.” 馃檪

  3. “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5 has been an especially precious promise lately 馃檪

  4. My verse is 1 John 4:18…”There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear.” It is my verse to hold on to…I was born in the forth month on the eighteenth day, so it’s very special to me. In fact, I named my blog before I found this verse, and when I did, I was blown away by how perfectly it fit. It’s a God thing.

  5. A verse that has helped me not to fear has to be Proverbs 3:5:
    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
    It reminds me that just because I don’t understand why something is happening, I can trust God because He will do what is best for His glory and my good.

  6. Wow..there are so many promises to choose from! The first one that comes to mind was also my baptismal verse. It is Isaiah 41:10 : fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. It reminds me that God is always with me and always there to protect me. 馃檪 I should never fear! The words “do not fear” show up in the bible 365 times, one for each day. So take courage my friends and do not be afraid for God is our strength and help in troubled times.

  7. WoW! There are so many promises of the Lord that I hold dear every day! How can I choose one?! Joshua comes to mind… “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh 1:9). Praise the Lord, He is with me….”When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…when you pass through the floods, they will not sweep over you…when you walk through the fire, you will not be consumed. You are mine, you are precious in my sight” (from “Be Not Afraid,” a choral arrangement by Craig Courtney, I think!…taken from Scripture – maybe Isaiah?!). The greatest comfort I know in this life is the Lord’s presence. I am so often tempted to fear, but the perfect love of Christ casts out all fear!

  8. I’m not going to share my reaction when I realized which book was the focus of this blogpost. It’s been on my wishlist for a LONG time and I’m ABSOLUTELY thrilled that you wrote about it here on Young Ladies Christian Fellowship!! (And even more so that you’re hosting a giveaway with a chance to win it. :))

    Clear instruction, followed by a promise:
    Phillipians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests known unto God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension with guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus.

    And I have experienced this promise fulfilled SO many times in my life. I tend to be a control-freak (if that’s the correct terminology) when it comes to even the tiniest details in life, always wanting to know what’s going on, and wanting everything to turn out alright. In plain words, I’m a worrier. Of course, situations are often out of my hands!

    Keeping this beautiful words in mind, and living what they say: the peace of God, that which no human could ever explain, it’s ever within reach. It’s interesting to note that the verses make no mention of answers given, answered prayer and THEN peace given… it’s being in His presence then, and being in communion with the Lord that gives this guarding peace; instead of looking inwardly on worries and fears and outwardly to people and circumstances we’re to look upward and keep our eyes on Jesus!

  9. I’ve heard this book is wonderful, and I’ve often wanted to read it! The promise that I cling to most consistently is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ALL things, from getting through a hard day to sharing my beliefs with someone who differs from me. Then sometimes I also get worried about bigger things like the direction our country and world is heading, but when I can remember that Christ has won, is winning, and will win I calm down immediately. 馃檪

  10. Chantel thanks so much for sharing this blog with us. It’s been so inspiring and I love it. I’ve got mine own bundle of fears and weaknesses; always allowing me see how imperfect I am. I try to tell the Lord about them and ask Him to take the journey with me at a time. Sometimes I feel I aint going to make it through but then I continue to trust the good Sheperd of my soul.

    God bless for sharing.
    Luv Es.

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