Color Me Blue: The People Code
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by Sara Louise
Color me blue! Not only is it my favorite color, but it pretty much sums up my personality. Not that I’m always in a state of “the blues,” but I definitely have melancholic tendencies. Since college days, I have been fascinated with personality types and have taken multiple tests to determine my distinctive profile.
Whether comparing personalities to animals, characters in the Bible and literature, or using descriptive psychological terms, most systems differentiate four main personality types, acknowledging you can be a combination of several. Each approach generally results in the same conclusion: our personality is an intrinsic part of our nature and in large part determines how we relate to other people.
Recently I was directed to a personality study by Taylor Hartman in his book entitled The People Code (formerly The Color Code). The subtitle sums up the premise: “It’s all about your innate motive.” The key to unlocking your personality “color” is to find out what motivates you and use this knowledge to improve relationships, both in families and in the workplace.
This method of linking someone’s core motive with their personality was an eye-opener for me, and I was excited to learn more about the people I love, live with, and work around.
According to Taylor, people fall into four main categories based on their motivation: power wielders, do-gooders/connectors, peacekeepers, and fun lovers. Or, for those who remember best by alliteration: powerful, perfectionist, peaceful, and playful.
This book reinforced what I suspected, that our family was composed of all the colors, and our four children each demonstrated different predominant personalities—at least in this mom’s opinion!
The Red personality marches purposefully through life.
Motivated by power, the Red personality wants to be in control and be productive. They are generally resourceful and able to see the big picture. They have a need to be respected and to be right. They love a challenge.
The Blue personality thrives on connecting the dots.
Motivated by doing good (and doing it right), the Blue personality innately knows that life is all about relationships. They are directed by a strong moral conscience, and they specifically need to be appreciated and understood. They love to improve the lives of those around them.
The White personality stays calm in the midst of chaos.
Motivated by keeping the peace, the White personality has a keen awareness and astute perspective. They accept life’s challenges for what they are. They need kindness from others and want independence. They welcome diversity of opinions.
The Yellow personality moves to the beat of a different drum.
Motivated by fun, the Yellow personality knows exactly what they love to do and always find the time and resources to do it. They have a need to look good and seek approval from others. Easily bored, they want freedom and crave action and adventure.
These brief descriptions are just a teaser for The People Code‘s 300 pages of fascinating discovery about yourself and those you know. Although not written from a biblical perspective, I found the book to be a helpful tool for understanding how God made us each unique, yet complementary to other personality types. Taylor asserts that personality plays heavily into our interpretation of life.
The author also believes our code of behavior is determined by our motives, our needs, and our wants which are different for each personality. By learning about all the types, we can better understand what makes a person tick.
The “quick guide” for each color type includes both strengths and limitations in the following areas: as an individual, as a communicator, as a goal-setter, as a career person, as a parent, as a child, as a friend, and in a committed relationship.
These are followed up with more subjective observations such as careers most likely to attract each color type, celebrities who appear to be that color, and five things each color group should do before they’re thirty. More helpful in my opinion are the suggested dos and don’ts for relating to each personality type in order to foster a positive connection with them.
Connecting. I guess it’s a “blue” trait. And for me, that’s why I’m drawn to this topic because I really do want everyone to get along! Thankfully, God knew what He was doing when He placed us in our respective families. If it weren’t for our differences, we’d be missing out on a colorful life!
Discover your colors with the free personality test at
Sara Louise has been a wife for 31 years, a mother for 30 years, a homeschool teacher and Creative Memories Consultant for 25 years, and a grandmother for 6 years. She feels blessed indeed by the rainbow of relationships she has enjoyed with the people God has placed in her sphere of influence.
I think I’m more blue than anything…
Hello miss Sara!
I’m a red. Perhaps that’s why I get along so well with your red-headed miss Gretchen daughter – well, when we take turns being the boss of things. Ha. 馃槈
I wonder how our results would be different if we answered according to our adult responses instead of our childhood inclinations…
Thanks so much for this article.
So glad Gretchen has friends nearby who understand her and work well with her!
Yes, I think our adult responses tend to show the more “tempered” versions of each personality type. I probably have more white qualities now just because, as a mother, I’ve had to ease up on some of the blue tendencies. 馃檪
Dear Blue Mom,
This was so much fun to read. All our discussions on personality types have been so helpful and informative. Yay for a family that is willing to discuss our differences!
Thanks for guest posting for us here at Kindred Grace!
your red-headed red daughter 馃槈
Dear red-headed daughter,
God does indeed have a sense of humor, giving this Blue both a Red husband and a Red first-born! But He is all-wise and knows where each of us needs to be stretched! I wouldn’t change a thing about any of you though–God’s design is purposeful and perfect. And since we’re made in His image, I wonder if our Heavenly Father might have a bit of each personality type Himself!
Thanks for asking me to do this post.
Love, your brunette (before the gray) blue mother 馃檪
I don’t usually fit any category in these personality things, but in this one (at least today!) I would definitely say that I’m a “white”.
I really enjoyed reading this. 馃檪
Ah, you are blessed, and so are those around you!
Thank you for another great post =0) I am loving these personality posts. I would say that I am a blue with some white mixed in there.
A great combination in my opinion! 馃檪
I must be light blue. (a mix of blue and white). Calling people a rainbow is a neat way to appreciate our diversity! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Love the “light blue” description for the mix of the two! Yes, the rainbow idea helps create a visual reminder to appreciate our differences and that working together, we can create something beautiful!