Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving Eve

It’s deliciously cloudy out–and suitably chilly–and I’m relishing to the prospect of a day in my kitchen full of happy bustle and preparation for Thanksgiving. We’ll be going to my parents’ tomorrow, and we’re looking forward to a day on the farm with Philip’s family on Friday. But today is ‘at home’ day and I…

Miss Buncle’s Book

No, I do not have a friend named Barbara Buncle. However, the book belonging to this title is an old friend of mine. If you’ve ever read D. E. Stevenson, then you know what a light, relaxing, thoroughly British read she provides. Although she wrote in the thirties and forties, her characters are fully as…


by Annie F. Downs I finally purchased new glasses yesterday. I began wearing glasses in 4th grade. I have been a committed contact wearer since 8th grade, which was approximately 1994.Since then, I believe I could count on my fingers how many times I have worn my glasses.And I can count on my right thumb…

The End.

The End.