
the curse of politeness

After personal experience and much thought about some of the things the Lord has been teaching me lately, I’ve come to a conclusion: politeness is a great destroyer of true fellowship and close friendships.

That may seem like a ridiculous thing to say…I mean, aren’t we supposed to be polite to each other?! Well, actually, according to the Bible, we are supposed to love each other. Jesus tells us that by this the world will know that we follow Him…”By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). And before anyone argues that being polite to each other is loving each other…it’s not. According to my trusty Oxford Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus, “polite” is defined as “having good manners, courteous…cultivated, cultured…refined, elegant”. Those are all nice things, but loving someone goes much deeper than just being courteous to them.


It was simply titled “There”, but it was one of the most powerful sermons I’d heard. The piece of paper on which I jotted the notes and main points is limp now, for each of the years that have passed since I first heard the sermon have proved to make the message it contained more…

My Ebenezer

My Ebenezer

It is a simple, hard backed journal of greens with the words “each day has a miracle inside of it” printed on the front. It is getting worn on the edges, but its pages are filled with page after page of my life. Its a record of God’s faithfulness in my life, of the way that He has led, and a map of the road I traveled from there to here. It’s my Ebenezer…

The End.

The End.