

When life feels overwhelming,  I’ve been learning to stop and remember little moments. For the past few years, I’ve been making it my practice to take time when I least feel like it to look for beauty and good things and happiness in the place that I am right then. I get distracted sometimes. Life…

Notice the Married Moments

Notice the Married Moments

We love romance and the epic drama of falling in love.

And then we get married and our “happily ever after” begins. And suddenly it’s about grocery shopping, and getting up with the baby on Saturday morning, and how to fit in a date night, and fixing a broken faucet, and the alarm clock on Monday morning… in other words, what’s known as “real life.”

Is it Good Enough?

Is it Good Enough?

I scold, I hold, I praise, I reprimand, I instruct, I look. I do this and I do that. And yet, is it ever enough? Are my kids feeling my love? Are they feeling my care? Are they learning to obey? Are they learning to trust Jesus? Are they learning right from wrong and how to make good choices? Am I doing enough for them, with them? Is it good enough?

The End.

The End.