Worth Doing Badly

Worth Doing Badly

I love Pinterest. Really, I do. And it’s been a helpful tool for me as I figure out what my personal decorating style is, collect recipes to try, and file away ideas for later. I love seeing the creativity other people have, and the beauty God lets us create. But sometimes, Pinterest sets the bar…

singleness is not a disease (and other things I want to shout from my rooftop)

singleness is not a disease (and other things I want to shout from my rooftop)

I am waiting for someone who’s worth waiting for or no one at all, and that about sums up my thoughts on singleness. At least, that’s the simple version of my philosophy. I am twenty-one years old and waiting. Waiting passively in one sense, actively in another. I am passive in the sense that I…

The End.

The End.