The Test of a Calling

by Cheyenne Francis

In every notable room in my parents’ house, simple wooden shelves whisper volumes to anyone who stops to observe. They tell the purpose and function of not only the room, but also the people who use that room most. This ordinary furniture tells the secrets of thoughts, goals, dreams, and desires.

In my mother’s office, the bookcase is loaded with volumes on two topics: spiritual instruction, and natural health and healing. The shelves in my father’s studio host an eclectic assortment of artsy trinkets—and music books. The bookcases in the living room reflect their shared interests: gardening, traveling, family photos, hiking, nature identification. Like the pictures on the refrigerator, bookcases—full, empty, or absent—can help you get to know even a stranger.

I thought carefully when selecting the books for the shelves in my bedroom. I chose the books that I thought I would read and refer to most—and I boxed the rest up. Only later did I realize what the bookcase had to say about my passions, dreams, and interests.

Three of my seven shelves support books on birth, midwifery care, and home remedies. I placed them in the bookcase first, since I am, after all, a midwifery student. Two more shelves hold my spiritual books—not all of them, but the most special, as well as the ones I plan to read this year.

The remaining two shelves didn’t make as much sense to me when I unpacked my books; I simply arranged them how my heart mandated. A few inspirational self-help books on personalities, relationships and romance, healing from past hurts. A handful of music books. My dictionary and thesaurus, Chicago Manual of Style, and Stein on Writing. Three empty journals received as gifts, twelve already filled, and one in progress. My writer’s notebook, my binder full of Writer’s Digest articles, and my writer’s portfolio.

“The test of a calling, to me, is this,” a friend recently remarked: “Can you do anything else? If so, do it.”

When I left my job as an editor of a magazine for young people, I didn’t expect to be quickly called back into writing. Sure, I knew I would always have a writer’s heart and I’d always dabble around with words. But, reasoning that the world has plenty of good authors (and no end to the mediocre), I planned to make my difference in the tangible world of mothers and babies.

And yet, as the bookcase testifies, the writer’s calling has its stronghold in my soul. I can barricade myself with other pursuits; but like my friend, I have found that “God won’t let me do anything else.” As I cultivate new skills, knowledge, and interests—exploring the potential of new callings, to midwifery and other ministries—I have come to understand that in order to thrive, I must remain true to the calling God has already placed on my life, the talent He has already given. That’s why, without abandoning my midwifery apprenticeship, I’ve added freelancing jobs and studies in journalism (plus a blog) back into my life, concurrently.

Do you know your calling, or would you like to discover it? Perhaps—just maybe—your bookcase already whispers it.

Cheyenne is a young writer with many passions and goals, and a curious mind—aspiring to live by the whisperings of that Spirit. She is currently a midwifery apprentice and a new blogger.


  1. Hello I just typed in midwifery in the search and it was really great to see that someone
    had written on the topic. I am planning to be a midwife would you know any good sites on the topic or books etc?
    thanks really liked the post

  2. God gives each of us unique gifts and passions, but sometimes, it’s difficult to figure out how they all fit together and can be put to practical use. I have found, however, that God has a purpose for every spiritual gift or calling He has given, and even when we’re not sure how to incorporate them all, He has a plan. I loved this post and appreciated your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

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