Reluctant Exercise

Reluctant Exercise

I remember moving a lot as a kid. My siblings and I climbed trees, built forts, played tag, and rode bikes.  As a teenager, farm work filled my days, and I stayed strong by feeding cattle, making hay, and gardening. As a young adult, I was careful to keep adding ways to be active: running,…

Simple Living

Simple Living

I crave real simplicity. I’m not really a minimalist in the true sense of the word. I could never get rid of my shelves (and boxes) of books and I think it’s okay to have more than three or four completely mix-and-matchable outfits in my wardrobe. But I know how full and crazy life is….

Strength: Body and Spirit

Strength: Body and Spirit

I feel my strongest when I’m at my weakest.  I was at the gym, proud of my just-finished strength-training routine.  My legs were so fatigued, I barely made it down the stairs to the parking lot as I fought through the trembling muscles.  Yet in the weakness, there was the underlying reality that I knew…

The End.

The End.