When Your Disappointment May be a Divine Opportunity

When Your Disappointment May be a Divine Opportunity

It was the last place on earth I wanted to be. I’d always loved flying, but this airplane, with all my worldly belongings crammed into the luggage compartment below me, symbolized the death of my dreams. I’d scored a job as an editor on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., but a 3:00 AM trip to the ER had changed everything. Now suddenly I was on my way home to California minus my health, car, and job. I looked out the window as my dream life vanished beneath me.

Stop working so hard to produce the grace and just be the vessel it flows through.

How to Live in Freedom

Sometimes you just don’t know how bound you are until you have a moment of exhilarating freedom and you think to yourself, “This is what it means to be free”. And it feels so good. Fresh. Wholesome. Alive. And you promise yourself you will never go back to regulations and expectations. But somehow you do….

Life is not supposed to be defined by to-dos and detailed timelines. It's meant to be defined by Him.

What Next?

When I graduated from high school, decided to study Communications in college, and people asked me what I wanted to do with that degree, I answered, “I want to work for a magazine or a newspaper.” Then in my  junior year, I took an internship that had me writing for the university magazine and newspaper….

The End.

The End.