What if we lived our whole lives as worship?

by Teri Lynne Underwood

I’m a wife, a mom, a friend, a Bible teacher, a laundry-doer, a kitchen-cleaner, and a Basset hound wrangler. My life isn’t full of big experiences. It’s full of car lines and to-do lists. I’m guessing you can relate.

Some days when I finally lie down in my bed, I wonder if I did anything that matters. I question if I’m making a difference for eternity. I look back at the hours spent cleaning and cooking and ask the Lord if I’m ever going to do something big for Him. I feel small and insignificant. Does that sound familiar?

Recently I was studying Zechariah and the Lord reminded me of a sweet truth: small things DO matter.

Sweet mom, who is doing her best to raise children who love the Lord — loving them well is worship.

Exhausted friend, drained from caring for teenage children and aging parents — serving and sacrifice for those we love is worship.

Paul wrote to the Colossians,

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)

Whatever you do …

Whether it’s glamorous or not, whether it’s perfect or not, whether it’s big or not

Do it all for Him!

Worship isn’t just about songs and lifted hands and moments of stillness…worship is life, all of life.

Busy days of errands and long lists of things to do are worship when we do it all for Him.

Hours spent holding sick babies while the laundry pile grows are worship when we do it all for Him.

Meals cooked, houses cleaned, children loved, marriages nurtured, friendships savored — it’s all worship when we do it for Him.

What if we lived our whole lives as worship?

What if we looked at everything we do and all the places we go as opportunities — big and small — to worship the Lord? What if we viewed every task as a means of praising God? What if every conversation was an open door to bring glory to Him? What if life, all of life, was truly our spiritual act of worship?

Today, the invitation is simple — let your life be worship!

… Present your bodies as a a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1

Wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you see — let your life be worship!

What is one way you can choose to worship in your life today?

Teri Lynne Underwood is a Word-lover and idea-slinger. A passionate encourager of rest, focus, and embracing life’s seasons, she tries to make time every day for good coffee, excellent books, and lingering conversations. Whether writing or speaking, Teri Lynne’s greatest passion is offering women permission to live well. A pastor’s wife and a cheerleader’s mom, Teri Lynne is typically three days behind on laundry and trying to remember where she’s supposed to be next. Connect with Teri Lynne on PinterestTwitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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