Breaking the Alabaster Box

 by Grace Dye 

The lonely figure darted quietly through the streets of Bethany. She had heard He was here. Pulling her robe tightly against her body in a vain attempt to keep the evening chill at bay, she clutched the precious box in her hand as she neared Simon’s house. The laughter and lively conversation spilled out of the lighted doorway into the otherwise quiet street. Standing in the shadows she could see the men reclining around the table. Without a second thought to what the others might think, she made her way inside. There were so many others crowded into the house that no one gave her a second look. Kneeling at Jesus’ feet she laid the box on her lap and broke the seal. Instantly the sweet smell of perfume permeated the air. This was her offering, her gift. It had cost her everything and yet what was that compared to the precious work His Words had done in her heart?

Her reverie was broken by the indignant whispers of those around the table. What a waste…! That cost nearly a year’s worth of wages… That money could have been used for the poor… What was she thinking? Tears stung her eyes, the pain of rejection searing her heart. Then above the accusing voices she heard His voice strong and sweet, gently rebuking those who had judged her so harshly. His words spoke healing to her wounded heart as He lovingly accepted her precious offering.

We hold so tightly to that tiny box. The contents are costly. To break that box at His feet may mean giving up the deepest desires of our heart.



The ideal career.

Our happy, secure world.

If we break the box others might call it a waste. They may ridicule the sacrifice.

If we break the box we might be called to a life of singleness. Or to dark jungles somewhere.

We fear the pain and sacrifice involved. We’re afraid to pour it all out for the One who poured Himself out for us. So we cling to the box that keeps us from clinging to the Savior. And in all of our clinging we forget that He is worthy.

We cling to the box that keeps us from clinging to our Savior.

Break the alabaster box.

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”
Ephesians 5:1-2 (NAS)

Grace is a twenty-something who is constantly learning what it means to trust her sweet Savior and to surrender her life into His sovereign hands. She blogs at .


  1. I so enjoyed this, Grace1 thank you for sharing. I’ve read this before when it was first published, and tonight I read it again. Both times it has touched me and truly helped me. Thanks again 🙂

  2. This is beautiful, Grace! Thank you so much for sharing! I now have a new saying: break the box! It means so many different wonderful things once you think about it. Oftentimes it’s the box we keep our ideals in that keep us back. It’s only when we begin thinking “outside the box” that we truly become free to accomplish what the Lord has for us.

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