“What Does God Want My Husband-To-Be to Be?”
A note from Gretchen: Becky, a dear family friend ever since she and my mom went to school together, sent me this poem back in 1998. She wrote it six years before her marriage, two years before she met the man she was praying for. Becky says, “I think it was Betty Stam who inspired me to write this poem. (And I don’t mean to say it is inspired—it’s not perfect, and neither are husbands or wives!) Betty has written a beautiful poem entitled, ‘My Ideal.’ It can be found in the book, The Triumph of John and Betty Stam.”
Becky and her husband Wayne have served as missionaries with New Tribes Mission to Colombia, South America, for nearly thirty years—first as singles who went to Colombia without ever having heard tell of each other, then returning together as newlyweds. (Sometime I’ll have to get Becky to tell us their entire story. Another fun detail is that my cousin was their ring bearer who ended up marrying their flower girl seventeen years later!) Currently, Wayne and Becky are serving state-side, while their four children attend high school and college. Becky reflects, “In re-reading the poem, I would say that my husband, though not perfect, has displayed many of these attributes and characteristics at one time or another. This fact amazes me and is a tribute to God’s grace.” Wayne and Becky, pictured below, just celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
“What Does God Want My Husband-To-Be to Be?”
If some day in God’s perfect plan,
He provides just the right man.
What is my husband-to-be to be?
What kind of man is the one for me?I want him to please God as Abel did,
And to walk with God as Enoch lived.
I want him to obey as Noah did so
And Abraham followed when not knowing where to go.May he like Isaac, be ready to die
Or to meet the Lord when He comes in the sky.
Meek as Moses, not enjoying sin,
Persevering as he fixed his eyes on Him.May he like Joseph be pure and forgiving
When in temptation—flee without sinning.
May he manage with care, faithful and true
Awaiting God’s timing to come into view.May he like Job be patient when tested.
And combat Satan when he is molested.
May he like Daniel be wise to God’s will,
Learning understanding in all science and skill.Like the Hebrew children, may he stand his ground,
Not about to flinch when he hears the music sound.
Or like Joshua, not afraid to fight,
When the enemy comes within his own sight.
May he like Elijah, be one with God,
Knowing that the fire can lick the bullock and the sod.
Not like Jonah who from God tried to flee,
But like Isaiah said, “Here am I, send me.”May he like Samuel, do what he is asked,
Obeying willingly when God gives him a task.
Tenderhearted as David the beloved
Able to sing praises to his Shepherd Above.As John the Baptist preparing the way,
Careful not to lead others astray.
Like Peter, there are times he will fall,
Please lift him up, Lord, and stand him tall.May he be mission-minded like Paul,
Protected well when let over the wall.
Showing like Aquilla hospitality and care
Entertaining friends and angels unaware.
Taught as Timothy, discipling others, too
Forgiving as Philemon, someone who’s untrue.
As to Christ, John was near,
May he hold You, to his heart dear.Most of all like Christ, may he always be,
Compassionate, kind, tender-hearted and free;
Strong, pure, just , caring for another
True, meek, forgiving, and righteous altogether.Gentle, trustworthy, a lover of God’s WORD,
Caring for nature and each little bird.
May he gladly tell the story—
“CHRIST in me,—the HOPE of GLORY!”by Rebecca (Adamson) Smith, June 1980
Used by Permission in The P31 #13, March/April 1998
Great poem, but I can’t help thinking that if girls are praying for such husbands, there must be boys going through some serious storms and trials to shape such men, but as the title says it is what GOD Wants.
Great website!
God Bless,
this is absolutely beautiful… May God bless me with a man who possesses such attributes…