quite the team

She was buying apples and pears. Just like everyone else that day. With my daughter in one arm, I rang up her sale. It was $9.92. My husband joined me behind the counter as the lady handed me a ten dollar bill. “I think I have two cents somewhere,” she said as she dug in…

By the Grace of God

By the Grace of God

by Ruth Wiechmann By the grace of God, Rosemary Katheryn Wiechmann was born just before dawn, June 7, 2008, with big brown eyes and lots of beautiful brown hair, almost an exact replica of her sister in Heaven, Roseanna. By the grace of God, the waters did not overflow us; not the flood waters of…

For to me to live is…

Our new pastor is preaching through Philippians. He said the first time he preached through Philippians it took him just a couple months. He’s been here over a month and we’ve covered the first twenty-one verses. It’s refreshing to have some old-fashioned verse-by-verse teaching. Give me that over a topical sermon any time! The topics…

The End.

The End.